Northworks Career Fair

Winter Garden and Student Services Street
Prince George
Event summary
This event is your gateway to connect with talented UNBC students and alumni, explore potential career opportunities, and network with top employers from a wide range of industries. Whether you're a student seeking a job or an internship or an employer looking to recruit, the Northworks Career Fair is the perfect venue to achieve your goals.
Don't miss this chance to make valuable connections and take the next big step in your career journey.
Employers in attendance:
- A Rocha Canada
- Allnorth
- BC Assessment
- BC Cancer
- BC Corrections
- BC Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills
- BC Provincial Government - BC Prosecution Service
- BC Timber Sales
- BDO Canada LLP
- British Columbia Wildfire Service
- Canadian Mental Health Association Northern BC
- Carrier Lumber Ltd.
- Carrier Sekani Family Services
- CCI Group of Companies
- Cedars Christian School
- Central Interior Native Health Society
- Chartered Professional of Accountants of British Columbia (CPABC)
- City of Prince George
- CPHR BC & Yukon
- DMC Chartered Professional Accountants Inc.
- Doane Grant Thornton LLP
- DWB Consulting Services Limited
- Ecofor Consulting Ltd.
- EDI Environmental Dynamics Inc.
- Emco Corporation
- Enterprise Mobility
- First Student Canada ULC
- Four Rivers Co-op
- Huble Homestead/Giscome Portage Heritage Society
- Integris Credit Union
- Interfor
- Interior Health Authority
- KDL Resource Management
- Northern Development Initiative Trust
- Northern Health
- Northwest Child Development Centre
- Onsite Engineering Ltd.
- Prince George Hospice Palliative Care Society
- Prince George Native Friendship Centre
- Pro Vita Care Management
- Provincial Government - Ministry of Forests
- Provincial Health Services Authority
- R.F. Binnie & Associates Ltd.
- RCMP 911 Dispatch
- Ridgeline Archaeology
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police Major Crimes
- Royal Canadian Navy
- Rugged Edge Holdings Ltd.
- SBS Forestry Inc
- Scouten Engineering
- Seabridge Gold
- Simpcw Resources Group
- SLR Consulting
- Spectrum Resource Group
- Stantec
- Sugar Cane Archaeology
- Terracon Geotechnique Ltd.
- Triton Environmental Consultants
- TRUE Consulting
- UBC Master of Physical Therapy
- WorkBC
- YWCA Metro Vancouver - Axis and Believe Programs
To make it easier to navigate the fair, we've grouped employers based on the programs they typically hire from. However, you're welcome to connect with any employer! Click here to view the employer map.
Click here for a list of employers and where they commonly hire from.
Are you an Employer looking to connect with UNBC Students? Please check out our Career Connect page for all opportunities and registration for the Career Fairs. If you have questions, please check out our Career Connect Information sessions.
Contact Information
Dakota Den Duyf
Career Readiness Coordinator
Career Centre