An Integrated Approach to Treating Complex Trauma - Virtual Delivery

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Treating Trauma course UNBC

The term trauma is used to describe the challenging emotional consequences experienced by someone who has lived through a distressing event. These consequences can involve Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which has been identified as a global health issue, with prevalence rates ranging from 1.3% to 37.4% (and even higher in clinical populations).

But what happens when the trauma occurs early in life, and/or involves on-going or repetitive exposure to traumatic events? In these cases, individuals will often experience Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD), and/or dissociative disorders such as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).

As our understanding of trauma continues to evolve, so does our understanding of how to treat it. In this webinar, Sheri Van Dijk will teach some essential perspectives and skills to help you and your clients get unstuck in treatment.

You will learn leading edge, evidence-based principles in the treatment of clients experiencing the sequelae of trauma, including the difference between PTSD and C-PTSD; theories to inform treatment of clients with complex trauma histories; and skills to help clients ground and regulate emotions.

Course outline:

  • Difference between PTSD and Complex PTSD
  • The Triphasic approach to treating C-PTSD
  • Introduction to Polyvagal Theory
  • The basics of dissociation
  • Introduction to Structural Dissociation of the Personality
  • Using a Parts approach in therapy
  • Helping clients stabilize through grounding, re-regulating, and resourcing
Course Details
Virtual Classroom
Spring 2025
Course Date
Day Details
8:30am - 11:45am PST
Registration Deadline

Learning Outcomes

  • Know the difference between PTSD and C-PTSD
  • Name the three phases in the treatment of complex trauma
  • Understand the basics of Polyvagal Theory and the Theory of Structural Dissociation of the Personality
  • Understand dissociation and its implications for therapy
  • Learn some of the basics of how to use a Parts approach in therapy
  • Learn skills to help ground and regulate clients, as well as resources to help prepare clients for trauma processing therapy

Course Requirements

Students must have a computer with a webcam and a strong internet connection in order to attend and participate in class.

Course Content


Course Cancellations

Please note that courses may be cancelled at any time due to low enrolment. Upon cancellation, registrants will receive a full refund.