Space to Place: The Next Rural Economies Workshop

May 15-16, 2008
University of Northern British Columbia
Prince George, BC, CANADA

Within all developed economies we find that rural and small town communities are experiencing considerable change. They are changing as a result of resource industry restructuring, demographic aging and youth out-migration, the restructuring of both public and private sector services, and the ongoing implications of urbanization. Within this context, communities and policy makers are working to meet challenges and take advantage of new opportunities. To be effective, both local and public policy decision makers need a clear understanding of the pressures driving change, the opportunities inherent in such changes, and the creative responses of similar rural and small town areas. To this end, the Community Development Institute at the University of Northern BC (UNBC) and the Enterprise Program at Simon Fraser University (SFU) are co-hosting the “Space to Place: The Next Rural Economies Workshop”.
This workshop brings together twenty-three rural and small town scholars from eight OECD countries to discuss possibilities about what our next rural economies will look like.
Older approaches to community and economic development focused upon a ‘space-economy’ with attention to comparative advantages and overcoming the cost of distances. This approach is being replaced by recognition of the growing importance of ‘place-based economies’ where the unique attributes and assets of individual places now determine its attractiveness for particular types of activities and investments.

For further information, contact:
Greg Halseth
Professor, Geography Program
Canada Research Chair in Rural and Small Town Studies
Director, UNBC’s Community Development Institute
University of Northern British Columbia
Prince George, B.C.    V2N 4Z9
Tel: (250) 960-5826
Fax: (250) 960-6533

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