Your Voice - Fort St. John Community Survey

Community Services Provision, Community and Economic Development and Transformation, Major Project Development

Organization of Reports

To enhance readability of the findings of this research, three separate reports have been developed. The reports from the “Your Voice Fort St. John” survey include:

Your Voice Fort St. John - Summary Report

Your Voice Fort St. John - Survey

Your Voice Fort St. John - Methodology Report

In consecutive phases, The Forge aims to gather, process, and present data and information about the community of Fort St. John as a way of meaningfully informing local and regional decision-making.

“Your Voice Fort St. John” was designed to explore community areas that affect quality of life and provide input into the community indicators that will be tracked over time.

The survey was open to all residents of Fort St. John and asked for their perspectives on a variety of topics, including the economy, local education, availability and satisfaction with a variety of services, community engagement, the environment, and changes in the community over time. The Summary Report describes the overall findings from the survey. A detailed reporting of survey responses is provided in the Survey Report, while the Methodology Report explains the way the survey was created and delivered.