Public Participation in Resource Management: The Bulkley Valley Community Resources Board

Community and Economic Development and Transformation


This project explores how public input was conceptualized and incorporated into the Bulkley Land and Resource Management Plan (Bulkley LRMP) process with the purpose to analyze the level of input that was achieved. The following steps were taken in efforts to realize this task:  

  1. Identification of past public participation in resource management processes in the Bulkley Valley and contrasting their level of input with the Bulkley Valley Community Resources Board (BVCRB);
  2. Illustration of how the BVCRB was established;
  3. Determination of how the members of the Board were selected and whether they represent the public of the Bulkley Forest District (BFD);
  4. Exploration of the role the Board played in developing the Bulkley LRMP. 

Final Report, April 2003 Volume One

Final Report, April 2003 Volume Two - Appendices