Lessons from Economic Upswings: A Case Study of the Peace River Region

Community and Economic Development and Transformation, Major Project Development


When industrial investments come to small communities, the impacts can be significant and transformative. These impacts occur in all sectors – social, community, service, economic, and governance. The Terrace and Kitimat region of northwest BC has been home to a range of large industries since the early 1950s.  The region is now on the cusp of new and large industrial construction projects that will change and renew the local and regional economies. The projects will also impact and change the communities.

Other regions in BC have considerable experience with large industrial projects. Most notable is the Peace River region in northeast BC which has recent and continuing experience with major coal, oil, and gas developments. This project was designed to collate lessons and experiences from the Peace River region so as to inform decision-makers and community economic and social development organizations in the Terrace-Kitimat corridor on effective responses to the opportunities and pressures of large industrial projects.

The project work was carried out by a research team from the UNBC Community Development Institute in the spring of 2012.