District of Tumbler Ridge Seniors’ Housing Assessment

Age-friendly Communities, Housing

Like many communities in Canada, the District of Tumbler Ridge is experiencing population aging, as many long-time residents are choosing to remain in the community. Over the past several years, the community has felt increasingly challenged to provide housing, services, and programs that would enable seniors to age-in-place. The District of Tumbler Ridge reached out to the CDI to seek assistance in determining, at the household level, the housing and health support services required in their community. To support this initiative, the CDI worked with the District, local seniors, seniors’ organizations, and care service providers to complete an assessment of the housing stock in Tumbler Ridge and its suitability to support aging-in-place. Data was also collected to determine the programs and services required in order to support seniors to age-in place in Tumbler Ridge. As such, the final report is strategically designed to identify the housing and health support service needs for seniors in Tumbler Ridge. It also includes information, options, and recommendations that can be used by the District of Tumbler Ridge, seniors’ organizations, and service providers in planning and decision-making for addressing these needs.

The completed reports are:

District of Tumbler Ridge Seniors’ Housing Assessment Study: Summary Report

District of Tumbler Ridge Seniors’ Housing Assessment Study: Data Report

District of Tumbler Ridge Seniors’ Housing Assessment Study: Methodology Report