Dialogues on Readiness

Community Services Provision, Community and Economic Development and Transformation

The Dialogues on Readiness was initiated in 2013 to develop a better understanding of the level of community awareness and readiness for the anticipated opportunities, pressure points, and processes associated with the development of large industrial projects. It explored a number of community factors that need to be considered in order to be prepared and ready for these projects, including capacity in workforce development, housing, education, health, community services, community amenities, the voluntary sector, transportation networks, and local economic and business development.

The Dialogues on Readiness was initiated in 2013 to develop a better understanding of the level of community awareness and readiness for the anticipated opportunities, pressure points, and processes associated with the development of large industrial projects. It explored a number of community factors that need to be considered in order to be prepared and ready for these projects, including capacity in workforce development, housing, education, health, community services, community amenities, the voluntary sector, transportation networks, and local economic and business development.

The initial phase of the Dialogues on Readiness project was conducted in Prince Rupert, Terrace, Kitimat, and Prince George. The focus of this phase was the oil and gas sector, as it is a new industry in north-central and northwest BC. The findings from the research were shared with the community.

From the research, the following themes emerged:

  • Communities are focused almost exclusively on preparing for the short-term construction phase of the anticipated industrial developments, not on the long-term operational phase;
  • Planning for the social development needs of the community requires further attention and support;
  • There is a need for collaboration between the economic and social sectors so that they are working effectively together to take advantage of future investment; and
  • Community-wide dialogue to understand and plan for the anticipated industrial investment is required in order to build relationships and realize long-term benefits for the community

  Project Reports:

  1. Dialogues on Readiness: Executive Summary

  2. Dialogues on Readiness: Kitimat

  3. Dialogues on Readiness: Prince George

  4. Dialogues on Readiness: Prince Rupert

  5. Dialogues on Readiness: Terrace