Community Transition Toolkit

Community Services Provision, Community and Economic Development and Transformation

The Community Development Institute (CDI) documented community economic transition best practices and performed a gap analysis of the social and community services available within the Omineca Beetle Action Coalition (OBAC) communities that can support transition. The project built upon the expertise developed at the CDI through working for a number of years with individual communities across northern BC on community transition planning. Specifically, it provided an opportunity to update the Transition Toolkit created in partnership with the District of Mackenzie and to assess the supports/resources available among the OBAC communities.  By providing OBAC with a gap analysis of local preparedness for transition, and needed community and social supports/services, the project directly informs OBAC’s ‘Social/Community Services and Supports’ and ‘Resident and Business Retention and Attraction’ strategic planning processes. The Community Transition Toolkit is of immediate use to OBAC and its member communities, and it is being shared with communities across BC through the BC Ministry of Community Services for the broadest possible dissemination and impact.

Each Toolkit is comprised of 6 reports:

•        Community Transition Toolkit
•        Networks across OBAC Communities
•        A Network Tool for each individual OBAC Community
•        Government Documents Summary Across OBAC Communities
•        Government Documents Summary for each individual OBAC Community
•        Service Analysis Across OBAC Communities

Toolkits were created for the following OBAC communities:

•        Burns Lake
•        Fort St. James
•        Fraser Lake
•        Granisle
•        Houston
•        Mackenzie
•        McBride
•        Smithers
•        Telkwa
•        Valemount
•        Vanderhoof

A sample Community Transition Toolkit for the District of Mackenzie includes the following reports: