
Elkin, C., Giuggiola, A., Rigling, A., Bugmann, H. (Accepted) Short- and long-term efficacy of forest thinning to mitigate drought impacts in mountain forest.  Ecological Applications

Hengeveld, G.M., Didion, M., Clerkx, S., Elkin,C., Nabuurs, G., Schelhaas, M. (Accepted) The landscape level effect of individual-owner adaptation to climate change in Dutch forests.  Regional Environmental Change.

Huber, R., Briner S., Bugmann, H., Elkin, C., Hirschi C., Seidl R., Snell, R. and Rigling, A. (2014). Inter- and transdisciplinary perspective on the integration of ecological processes into ecosystem services analysis in mountain regions. Ecological Processes. 3:9.  doi:10.1186/2192-1709-3-9

Elkin, C., Guiterrez, A.G., Leuzinger, S., Manusch, C., Temperli, C., Rasche, L., Bugmann, H. (2013) A 2°C warmer world is not safe for ecosystem services in the European Alps. Global Change Biology. 19:1827-1840.  DOI 10.1111/gcb.12156

Temperli, C., Bugmann, H., Elkin, C. (2013) Cross-scale interactions between bark beetles, drought and wind disturbances: a land-scape modeling approach.  Ecological Monographs. 83"383-402.  DOI 10.1890/12-1503.1

Temperli, C., Bugmann, H., Elkin, C. (2013) Sensitivity of ecosystem goods and services projections of a forest landscape model to initialization data.  Landscape Ecology. 28:1337-1352. DOI 10.1007/s10980-013-9882-0

Briner, S., Elkin, C., Huber, R. (2013) Evaluating the relative impact of climate and economic changes on forest and agricultural ecosystem services in mountain regions. Journal of Environmental Management. 15:414-422. DOI:10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.07.018

Briner, S., Bebi, P., Elkin, C., Schmatz, D., Gret-Regamey, A. (2013) Trade-offs between ecosystem services in mountainous regions.  Ecology and Society 18:35.

Rigling, A., R. Huber, P. Bebi, F. Brand, S. Briner, A. Buttler, C. Elkin, F. Gillet, A. Grêt-Regamey, C. Hirschi, H. Lischke, R. W. Scholz, R. Seidl, T. Spiegelberger, A. Walz, W. Zimmermann, and H. Bugmann.  (2013) Sustainable land use in mountain regions under global change: Synthesis across scales and disciplines. Ecology and Society 18:36.

Henne, P., Elkin, C., Colombaroli, D., Samartin, S., Bugmann, H., Heiri, O., Tinner, W. (2013) Impacts of changing climate and land use on vegetation dynamics in a Mediterranean ecosystem: insights from paleoecology and dynamic modeling.  Landscape Ecology. 28: 819-833.  DOI 10.1007/s10980-012-9782-8

Yousefpour, R., Temperli, C., Bugmann, H., Elkin, C., Hanewinkel, M., Meilby, H., Jacobsen, J.B., Thorsen, B.J. (2013) Updating beliefs and combining evidence in adaptive forest management under climate change: a case study of Norway Spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) in the Black Forest, Germany.  Journal of Environmental Management. 122:56-64.  doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.03.004

Temperli, C., Bugmann, H. K. M., Elkin, C. (2012). Adaptive management for competing forest goods and services under climate change. Ecological Applications. 22:2065-2077.

Rigling, A., Elkin, C., Dobbertin, M., Giuggiola, A., Wohlgemuth, T., Bugmann, H. (2012) Waldentwicklung in zentral-alpinen Trockentälern unter fortschreitendem Klimawandel – die Fallstudie Region Visp. (English Translation: Forest development in a dry central-alpine valley under increasing climate change - the case study region Visp).  Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen (Translation: Swiss Forestry Journal). 163: 481-492.

Elkin, C., Reineking, B., Bigler, C., Bugmann, H. (2012) Do small-scale processes matter for large-scale questions? Sensitivity of a forest landscape model to the formulation of tree growth rate.  Landscape Ecology 27:697-711.  10.1007/s10980-012-9718-3

Briner, S., Elkin, C., Huber, R., Grêt-Regamey, A. (2012). Assessing the impacts of socio-economic and climate changes on land-use in mountain regions: A spatial dynamic modeling approach. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 149:50-63

Walz, A.,Braendle, J., Lang, D., Brand, F., Briner, S., Elkin, C., Hirschi, C., Huber, R., Lischke, H., Schmatz, R. (2012)Experience from customising IPCC scenarios to specific focus scenarios for ecosystem service management.  Technological Forcasting and Social Change (conditional acceptance: Nov. 2011)

Worthington Wilmer, J. Murray, L., Neijalke, D., Elkin, C., Wilcox, C. and Possingham, H. (2011) Catastrophic floods pave the way for increased genetic diversity in endemic spring fauna populations. Plos One (Accepted: PONE-D-11-17374R)

Henne, P.D., Elkin, C., Reineking, B., Bugmann, H., Tinner, W. (2011) Did soil development limit spruce (Picea abies) expansion in the Central Alps during the Holocene? Testing a palaeobotanical hypothesis with a dynamic landscape model. J. Biogeogr. 38: 933–949.

Weiblel, P., Elkin, C., Reineking, B., Conedera, M., Bugmann, H. (2010) Waldbrandmodellierung – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen.  Schweiz Z. Forstwes. 161: 433-441 (English translation: Forest fire modeling – possibilities and limits)

Elkin, C.M. and Reid, M.L. (2010) Shifts in breeding habitat selection behaviour in response to population density. Oikos 119: 1070-1080.

Mehner, T., Pohlmann, K., Elkin, C., Monaghan, M.T., Nitz, B., Freyhof, J.  (2010) Genetic population structure of sympatric and allopatric populations of Baltic ciscoes (Coregonus albula complex, Teleostei, Coregonidae). BMC Evolutionary Biology 10:85.

Mehner, T., Pohlmann, K., Elkin, C., Monaghan, M.T., Freyhof, J. (2009) Genetic mixing from enhancement stocking in commercially exploited vendace populations. Journal of Applied Ecology 46:1340-1349.

Visconti, P. and Elkin, C. (2009) Using connectivity metrics in conservation planning – when does habitat quality matter? Diversity and Distributions 15: 602-612.

Joseph, L.N., Elkin, C.M., Martin, T., Possingham, H. (2009) Modeling abundance using N-mixture models: the importance of considering ecological mechanisms. Ecological Applications 19: 631-642.

Lourival, R., Queiroz Caleman, S.M., Martins Villar, G.I., Ribeiro, A.R., Elkin, C.M. (2008) Getting fourteen for the price of one! Understanding the factors that influence land value and how they affect biodiversity conservation in central Brazil. Ecological Economics 67: 20-31.

Elkin, C.M., Possingham, H. (2008) The role of landscape dependent disturbance and dispersal on metapopulation persistence. American Naturalist 172: 563-575.

Worthington-Wilmer, J., Elkin, C.M., Wilcox, C., Murray, L., Niejalke, D., Possingham, H. (2008) The influence of multiple dispersal mechanisms and landscape structure on population clustering and connectivity in fragmented artesian spring snail populations. Molecular Ecology 16: 3733-3751.

Elkin, C.M. and Marshal, D. J. (2007) Desperate larvae: the influence of deferred costs and habitat requirements on habitat selection. Marine Ecology Progress Series 335:143-153.

Elkin, C.M. and Reid, M.L. (2005) Low energy reserves and energy allocation decisions affect reproduction by mountain pine beetles (Dendroctonus ponderosae). Functional Ecology. 19: 102-119

Elkin, C.M. and Reid, M.L. (2004) Attack and reproductive success of mountain pine beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in fire-damaged lodgepole pines. Environmental Entomology. 33: 1070-1080.

Elkin, C.M. and Baker, R.L. (2000) Lack of preference for low-predation-risk habitats in larval damselflies explained by costs of intraspecific interactions. Animal Behaviour 60: 511-521.

Baker, R.L., Elkin, C.M., and Brennan, H.A. (1998) Aggressive interactions and risk of fish predation for larval damselflies. Journal of Insect Behaviour. 12:213-223.

Book Chapters

Bugmann, H., Brang, P., Elkin, C., Henne, P., Jakoby, O., Levesque, M., Lischke, H., Psomas, A., Rigling, A., Wermelinger, B., Zimmermann, N.E. (20140) Climate change impacts on tree species, forest properties, and ecosystem services. In CH2014-Impacts, Toward Quantitative Scenarios of Climate Change Impacts in Switzerland, Publisher: OCCR, FOEN, MeteoSwiss, C2SM, Agroscope, and ProClim, Editors: C. C. Raible, K. M. Strassmann, pp.79 - 90


Elkin, C. and Bugmann, H. (2010). Impact of climate change on ecosystem services in the Valais, Switzerland. Pages 67-70 in M. Price, editor. Europe's ecological backbone: recognising the true value of our mountains. European Environment Agency, Copenhagen.

Elkin, C., Wilcox, C., Worthington-Wilmer, J., Niejalke, D., Possingham, H. (2006) Response of snail populations to natural and anthropogenic disturbance: what can we learn from dispersing snails?  Proceedings of the Great Artesian Basin Researchers Forum.

Elkin, C.M., Reid, M. and Lux, D. (2002) Are mountain pine beetles attracted to fire-damaged lodgepole pine trees?  Parks Canada Research Links 10(1): 13.

Elkin, C.M. (2001) Does habitat choice by mountain pine beetles vary with population density? Parks Canada Research Links 9(2): 8-11.

Technical Reports

Elkin, C.M. (2008) Artesian springs monitoring report for endemic invertebrate fauna.  Prepared for BHP Billiton Olympic Dam.  37 pages.

Elkin, C.M. (2002) Mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) attraction and reproductive success in fire damaged lodgepole pine trees. Report to Alberta Land and Forest Service. 18 pages.