ANTH | Anthropology |
BCMB | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
BIOL | Biology |
CHEM | Chemistry |
COMM | Commerce/Business Administration |
COUN | Counselling |
CPSC | Computer Science |
DISM | Disability Management |
ECON | Economics |
EDUC | Education |
ENGL | English |
ENGR | Engineering |
ENPL | Environmental Planning |
ENSC | Environmental Science |
ENVS | Environmental and Sustainability Studies |
FNST | First Nations Studies |
FSTY | Forestry |
GEOG | Geography |
GNDR | Gender Studies |
HHSC | Health Sciences |
HIST | History |
IENG | Integrated Engineering |
IDIS | Interdisciplinary Studies |
INTX | International Exchange |
INTS | International Studies |
MATH | Mathematics |
MCPM | Mathematical, Computer, Physical, and Molecular Sciences |
NRES | Natural Resources and Environmental Studies |
NREM | Natural Resources Management |
NURS | Nursing |
ORTM | Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Management |
PHYS | Physics |
POLS | Political Science |
PSYC | Psychology |
SOCW | Social Work |
STAT | Statistics |
VRES | Visiting Research Student |
Upper Division and Graduate Level Courses
Credit is not granted for both 400- and 600-level courses having the same title, unless otherwise specified in the course description.
A prerequisite course is an academic requirement that must be successfully completed prior to the student taking a course. Prerequisites are used to ensure that a student has the required background to successfully complete the course. Prerequisites may also have prerequisites. These prerequisites must also be fulfilled.
Course Offerings
Not all courses are offered every year. Check the online course schedule for a list of the courses being offered in each semester.
Course Descriptions
The explanation below will help clarify the terms found in the course descriptions.