The minor in Biology and Conservation provides students with a background in ecological principles and techniques associated with the management and conservation of animal and plant populations and communities associated with a range of ecosystems.
Upon completion of the minor, students will have a broad background in genetics and evolution, population and community dynamics, ecological analysis, and the key problems and approaches for conserving biological diversity.
The minor in Biology and Conservation requires the completion of a minimum of 27 credit hours of study (plus associated prerequisites).
A maximum of two courses (6 credit hours) used to fulfil the requirements for a major, or another minor, may also be used to fulfil requirements for this minor.
Forest Ecology and Management Majors will have the following prerequisites as part of the major core requirements.
Students from other majors will need to fulfil the prerequisite requirements for this minor.
BIOL 103-3 Introductory Biology I
BIOL 104-3 Introductory Biology II
BIOL 123-1 Introductory Biology I Laboratory
BIOL 124-1 Introductory Biology II Laboratory
BIOL 201-3 Ecology
STAT 240-3 Basic Statistics
Required Courses:
BIOL 210-3 Genetics
BIOL 323-3 Evolutionary Biology
BIOL 325-3 Ecological Analyses
BIOL 410-3 Population and Community Ecology
BIOL 411-3 Conservation Biology
Four of the following courses, two of which must be Biology courses:
NREM 204-3 Introduction to Wildlife and Fisheries
BIOL 304-3 Plants, Society and the Environment
BIOL 307-3 Ichthyology and Herpetology
BIOL 308-3 Ornithology and Mammalogy
BIOL 318-3 Fungi and Lichens
BIOL 321-3 Animal Physiology
BIOL 333-3 Field School
BIOL 350-3 Ethnobotany
BIOL 402-3 Aquatic Plants
BIOL 404-3 Plant Ecology
BIOL 406-3 Fish Ecology
BIOL 412-3 Wildlife Ecology
BIOL 440-3 Internship
ENPL 305-3 Environmental Impact Assessment
NREM 413-3 Agroforestry