Van Pelt, Linda
MScN NP-F (University of Northern British Columbia), PG Certification Clinical Education (University of Edinburgh)
Linda Van Pelt began her career in healthcare in 1986, working as an RN across acute care settings, and then specializing in emergency, critical care and aeromedical transfer in medical centres in Canada and the U.S. In 1996 she began to shift her practice focus to primary health care in remote First Nations communities in Northwest Territories, Yukon, Nunavut and British Columbia. In 2007, she completed her MScN Family Nurse Practitioner degree at UNBC.
Linda held a position as coordinator of the UNBC Family Nurse Practitioner Program at the rank of assistant professor in the UNBC School of Nursing from 2009 to 2022. She transitioned out of the coordinator role and assistant professor rank in 2022, and is now a Senior Instructor in the NP Program.
She has also served as clinical faculty for the UBC Northern Medical Program since 2011, and maintained her practice as a nurse practitioner, including key involvement in the creation of a local primary health care access clinic in Prince George BC. She continues to practice at that clinic as a family primary care provider in family primary health care as well as specialized services in gender care.
Research and Expertise
Linda's research interests include: rural primary health care, gender affirming care, primary care access
- Health
Selected Publications
Van Pelt, L., Cosio, I, Layton, K., Baptiste, J. (2017, October 28). Creating Accessible, Safe and Quality Transgender Care in Primary Care Settings in Non-Urban BC Communities. Presented at the 2017 CPATH Conference. Vancouver, BC.
MacLeod, L.P. M., Stewart, J, N., Kulig, J.C., Anguish, P., Andrews, ME., Banner, D., Garraway, L., Hanlon, N., Karunanayake, C., Kilpatrick, K., Koren, I., Kosteniuk, J., Martin-Misener, R., Mix, N., Moffitt, P., Olynick, J., Penz, K., Sluggett, L., Van Pelt, L., Wilson, E., & Zimmer, L. (2017). Nurses who work in rural and remote communities in Canada: A national survey. Human Resources for Health, 15(34). Retrieved from http://rdcu.be/sOoD
Proden-Bhalla, N., Scott, L., Fyvie, K., Eddy, B., Hutchinson, F., McLeod, K., Murphy, K., Rowland, L., Van Pelt, L., Verigan, L. (2016). Primary Care Transformation in British Columbia. A New Model to Integrate Nurse Practitioners. BCNPA. Presented at the BCNPA Conference, Vancouver, B.C.
Fillion, M., Laird, B., Douglas, V., Van Pelt, L., Archie, D., Chan, H.M. (2014). Development of a strategic plan for food security and safety in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Canada. International Journal of Circumpolar Health. (73)25091. doi.org/10.3402/ijch.v73.25091
Salyers, V., Van Pelt, L., Tarlier, D., Baillies J,. Beaveridge, J., Lapadat, C., Laxton-Robertson, L. (2012). Growing an Innovative Faculty-Driven Management Team in a Distance-Delivery NP Education Program: Thinking Outside the Box to Meet the Nursing Education and Health Needs of Northern British Columbia, Canada. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, (24) 9, 528-535.
Van Pelt, L., MacLeod, M., Patterson, J. (2012, November). Barriers to Access to Primary Health Care. Listening to individuals with chronic pain, mental health and addictions conditions. Poster presentation at the Innovation and Development Commons Conference. Prince George, B.C.