Glen Thielmann

Thielmann, Glen

BA (UBC), PDP (SFU), MEd (SFU), PhD student (UNBC)

Prince George


After a youthful stint as an ecosystem geographer in the woods of northern BC and Alberta, Glen taught Social Studies, Geography, and English Language Arts in Prince George secondary schools for 22 years, has been the PGDTA Professional Development Chair for many years, and more recently has worked part-time in the UNBC School of Education as a sessional instructor and practicum mentor. He has received a variety of History and Geography awards and grants for his work with secondary students including a Governor-General's Award for Teachers in 2017 for innovative heritage inquiry. In 2019, Glen began a PhD in UNBC's Natural Resources and Environmental Studies program, with a focus on Geography education and place-responsive pedagogy. His start as a Lecturer in the School of Education in 2020 coincides with a redesigned B.Ed program centred around People, Place, and Land, and a university-wide adaptation to teaching and learning during a global pandemic.

Research and Expertise

Place-responsive pedagogy, heritage inquiry, curriculum studies, teacher collaboration, storytelling, secondary Social Studies, Indigenous reconcilation

Research Fields
  • Education
  • Geography
Areas of Expertise
Social Studies Education, Geography Education, Pedagogy in the Humanities, J.R.R. Tolkien, BC History, Teacher Collaborative Models
Languages Spoken
  • English
Not accepting graduate students
Available to be contacted by the media as a subject matter expert

Selected Publications

Thielmann. G., Lewis. R, Martin, J., Pereira, J. Truant, V. (2018). Thinking it Through: A Social Studies Sourcebook. Toronto: Pearson Canada 

Peer-Reviewed Article
Lapadat, J., Brown, W., Thielmann, G., and McGregor, C. (2010). Teaching with Blogs: A Case Study of Technologically Mediated Literacy. International Journal of Learning and Media 2010 2:2-3, 63-79