Sato, Christa
Christa Sato joined UNBC in July 2024 and is also currently completing her doctoral studies with the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work at the University of Toronto. Her PhD research focuses on applying a decolonial Pinayist (Filipina feminist) lens to explore the ways in which diasporic Filipino/a/x in Canada make meaning of suffering, resistance, and healing from intergenerational trauma impacts. She has over 10 years of experience working with immigrant and racialized populations, applying community-based research approaches and interventions in the areas of mental health stigma, intimate partner violence, and child welfare.
Research and Expertise
- Social Work
Selected Publications
Este, D., Lorenzetti, L., & Sato, C. (Eds.) (2018). Racism and anti-racism in Canada. Winnipeg, MB: Fernwood Press.
Peer-reviewed journal articles (past two years)
Maiter, S., Ssewanyana, D., Kikulwe, D., & Sato C. (2024). Connecting children and youth with their families during COVID-19: Perspectives of child welfare workers and foster parents, Journal of Public Child Welfare, https://doi.org/10.1080/15548732.2024.2306149.
Regehr, C., Regehr, K., Goel, V., Sato, C., Lyons, K., & Rudzicz, F. (2023). Workplace violence in the COVID era: A qualitative analysis of harassment and threats against public health professionals in Canada. BMJ Public Health, 1(1). 1–10. https://bmjpublichealth.bmj.com/content/1/1/e000444
Regehr, C., Duff, W., Ho, J., Sato, C., Aton, H. (2023). Emotional responses in archival work. Archival Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10502-023-09419-5
Adamson, K., West, K. J., & Sato, C. (2023). Communicating research evidence within the therapeutic space: A competency framework for social work education. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 43(3), 253–268. https://doi.org/10.1080/08841233.2023.2221171
Giesbrecht, C. J., Kikulwe, D., Sato, C., Este, D., Watkinson, A., & Falihi, A. (2023). “I felt like I was a puppet— He’s the master, and he’s playing with my life”: Newcomer women’s experiences of Intimate Partner Violence. Violence Against Women. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/10778012231158108
Giesbrecht, C. J., Kikulwe, D., Watkinson, A. M., Sato, C., Este, D., & Falihi, A. (2023). Supporting newcomer women who experience Intimate Partner Violence: Insights from service providers. Affilia. 38(1), 127–148. https://doi.org/10.1177/08861099221099318
Regehr, C., Duff, W., Aton, H., & Sato, C. (2023). Grief and trauma in the archives. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 28(4), 327–347. https://doi.org/10.1080/15325024.2022.2164143
Sato, C., Espina, F. J., Este, D., & Ferrer, I. (2022). “If there’s one bad apple, it affects all of us”: Filipino males’ cultural perspectives on mental health, mental illness and stigma. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 41(4), https://doi.org/10.7870/cjcmh-2022-031
Regehr, C., Duff, W., Aton, H., & Sato, C. (2022). “Humans and records are entangled”: Empathic engagement and emotional responses in archivists. Archival Science, 22(4), 563-583. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10502-022-09392-5
Sato, C., Adumattah, A., Abulencia, M. K., Garcellano, P. D., Li, A. T.-W., Fung, K., Poon, M. K.-L., Vahabi, M., & Wong, J. P.-H. (2022). COVID-19 Mental Health Stressors of Health Care Providers in the Pandemic Acceptance and Commitment to Empowerment Response (PACER) Intervention: Qualitative Study. JMIR Formative Research, 6(3), e35280. https://doi.org/10.2196/35280
Selected peer-reviewed conferences (past two years)
dela Cruz, A.,Mapfumo, S., Olaniyan, F., Mishra, P., Hilario, C., Sulemana, S., Sato, C., Escarraga, S., Meherali, S., & Wong, J. (2024, May). ACE intervention: Reducing HIV stigma and promoting community resilience through capacity building – Lessons from the ground. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Nursing in HIV/AIDS Care (CANAC) Conference 2024. Ottawa, ON.
Li, A, dela Cruz, A., Luginaah, I., Chen, Y, Sulemana, S., Mapfumo, S., Nleya-Ncube, M., Hissein-Habre, B., Hilario, C., Sato, C., Etowa, J., & Wong, J. (2024, April). Going beyond HIV sector: Mobilizing community leaders and settlement service providers to reduce HIV stigma. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research (CAHR). London, ON.
Batac, M., Pino, F., Javier, V., Schenk, A., Wilson, R., Sato, C., Zagada, S., & Ferrer, I. (2023, May). Decolonizing P/Filipinx social work: Critical kwentuhan with emerging scholars. Presented in conversation circle at the 2023 Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE) Conference. Toronto, ON.
Park, J., Sato, C., McLuckie, A., & Este, D. (2022, June). Efficacy of mental illness stigma reduction interventions for Asian men in Canada: Results from a randomized controlled trial. Paper presented at the Canadian Psychological Association’s 83rd Annual National Convention. Calgary, AB.