Maurice, Dr. Sean
PhD Dental Science and Extracellular Matrix Remodeling (UBC, 2009), Sabbatical - Proteoglycans in Breast Cancer (Laboratory of Dr. Mina Bissell, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2014), BSc Kinesiology (University of Calgary, 1999)
Dr. Maurice joined the Northern Medical Program (NMP) in 2007 as a Basic Science Instructor. He is currently also the NMP Assistant Dean and NMP Assistant Director of Histology. His primary area of teaching focus is histopathology in the pre-clinical years. He has delivered a wide variety of teaching sessions across the pre-clinical curriculum, and has provided a number of workshops for the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology at UNBC. His teaching practice is heavily influenced by the Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) which values student-centred, peer-based, and participatory learning. In 2022 he received Canada’s highest post-secondary teaching honour, as he was named a 3M National Teaching Fellow.
Research and Expertise
Dr. Maurice’s basic science interests are in extracellular matrix remodelling in fibrosis and cancer. He is also passionate about rural distributed health professions education and community engagement to improve rural health, which are both very important for our social accountability mandate. Since 2010, he has led the Healthcare Travelling Roadshow as an initiative to address rural health workforce recruitment and retention. This has grown to a provincial initiative and has now (as of 2022) visited over 12,000 youth in 68 communities throughout northern and rural BC.
Selected Publications
Gingerich, A., Van Volkenburg, K., Maurice, S.B., Simpson, C. and Roots, R. (2021). Urban ideals and rural realities: physiotherapists navigating paradox in overlapping roles. Medical Education. 55(10), 1183-1193.
Timms, K.P. and Maurice, S.B. (2020). Context-Dependent Bioactivity of Versican Fragments. Glycobiology. 30(6), 365-73.
Maurice, S.B., Mytting, K., Gentles, Q., Roots, R., Constantin, A., Kruger, S., Sim, S., Brock, W., Oyedele, O., Soles, J. and Snadden, D. (2019). The Healthcare Travelling Roadshow: a Qualitative Study of a Rural Community Engagement Initiative in Canada. Rural and Remote Health. 19, 5238.
Bukong, T.N., Maurice, S.B., Chahal, B., Schaeffer, D.F. and Winwood, P.J. (2016). Versican: A Novel Modulator of Hepatic Fibrosis. Laboratory Investigation. 96(3), 361-74.
Maurice, S.B., Bell, T., Daniels, T., Fetterly, C.R., Nelson, D.R., Winwood, P.J., Bourque, W.T. and Harris, R.L. (2014). Tibial bone versican content decreases with zoledronate treatment in adult mice. Osteoporosis International, 25(7), 1975-81.