Margolin, Dr. Indrani
PhD (OISE Toronto), MSW (Wilfred Laurier), BA Honours (Guelph), RSW
Dr. Indrani Margolin is a Professor in Social Work, part of the graduate faculty in Women’s and Gender Studies, and a graduate supervisor in Health Sciences at the University of Northern British Columbia. She holds a PhD in Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning with a specialization in Holistic & Aesthetic Education from the Ontario Institute for Studies of Education at the University of Toronto. Her research and teaching interests include spirituality; ancient meditations and visualizations; post-traumatic growth, girls’ and women’s well-being, mentorship, and arts-based research & practice methods. Dr. Indrani is part of the Northern FIRE (Feminist Institute for Research & Evaluation) leadership team at UNBC and is also Co-Chair for the 12th International Conference on Spirituality & Social Work, June 12-15, 2025, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She is an initiate in Mahavakyam Meditation from a long lineage of Himalayan masters and trained in the Tulshi Sen Consulting Train the Trainer system.
Research and Expertise
Dr. Indrani's research and teaching interests include spirituality; ancient meditations and visualizations; post-traumatic growth, girls’ and women’s well-being, mentorship, and arts-based research and practice methods.
Dr. Indrani is part of the Northern Feminist Institute for Research and Evaluation (Northern FIRE) leadership team at UNBC and is also Co-Chair for the 12th International Conference on Spirituality and Social Work being held June 12 to 15, 2025 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
- Counselling
- Gender and Women's Studies
- Health and Well-being
- Social Work
- Youth
- English
Selected Publications
Refereed publications
Jain, R., Margolin, I., Peters, H., Jain, R. (2024). Supervising Social Work Students in Field Placements during COVID-19: Recommendations for Future Delivery during a Pandemic. Journal of Practice.
Margolin, I., Madanakake, V., Jones, A. (forthcoming). Mahavakyam Meditation: A Trauma-Informed Practice to Cultivate Wellness & Resilience with Social Work Students in the Classroom and Beyond. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought.
Margolin, I., Pearson, T., Jones, A. (2024). Arts-based research in psychology: A means to unearth creative wisdom. Journal of Methods in Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.metip.2024.100144
Margolin, I., & Jones, A. (2024). Nine Women: Collages of Spirit-Collages of Self. Qualitative Inquiry, 30(2), 191-203. https://doi.org/10.1177/10778004231176103
Margolin, I. (2019). Breaking Free: One Adolescent Woman’s Recovery from Dating Violence through Creative Dance. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 41(2), 170-192. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10465-019-09311-9
Margolin, I. (2014). Collage as a method of inquiry for university women practicing Mahavakyam Meditation: Ameliorating the effects of stress, anxiety, and sadness. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 33 (3-4), 254-273. doi: 10.1080/15426432.2014.930632
Margolin, I. (2014). Bodyself: Linking dance and spirituality. Dance, Movement & Spiritualities, 1(1), 143-162.
doi: 10.1386/dmas.1.1.143_1
Margolin, I., Pierce, J. & Wiley, A. (2011). Wellness through a creative lens: meditation and visualization. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 30(3), 234-252. doi: 10.1080/15426432.2011.587385
Conference proceedings
Hanrahan, C., Margolin, I, Sherwood, D, & Crowther, E. (2022, June 29-July 2). Eco-Spiritual Social Work: Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind, The People's Global Summit – Online. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY-YbrwAIcY
Jarníková, T, Horne, D, Freeman, G. & Margolin, I. (2021, October). Shifting Marine Landscapes. Performance presented at Dissolving Boundaries: Creative Practice Meets STS 4S 2021 Conference, Good Relations: Practices and Methods in Unequal and Uncertain Worlds, Toronto, Canada and Worldwide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VP39NxVVjv0 (my dance performance begins at 5:44)
Margolin, I. (2017, March). A qualitative arts-based inquiry to support awareness, resilience, and self-care: Exploring Proclamation (Mahavakyam) Meditation with undergraduate social work students in the classroom. In Tomorrow People Organization (Eds.), International Spirituality and Psychology Conference 2017 Conference Proceedings (pp. 25-26). Belgrade, Serbia: Tomorrow People Organization.
Book chapters
Boynton, H.M. & Margolin, I. (forthcoming). Spirituality, trauma and healing centred care. In L. Tufford. (Ed.)Trauma-informed Care in Social Work Education: Implications for Students, Educators, Pedagogy, and Field. Routledge.
Boynton, H. M. & Margolin, I. (forthcoming). Becoming a spiritual influencer through the heart and soul of field practice. In J. Drolet & C. Grant (Eds.) Landscape of Field Education in Canada. University of Calgary Press.
Margolin, I. (2022). Breaking free: One adolescent woman’s recovery from dating violence through creative dance. In Downey, L., Kierr, S. (Eds.) Social Justice in Dance/Movement Therapy: Practice, Research and Education (pp. 31-53). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-19451-1_4
Margolin, I. & Sen, T. (2022). Post-traumatic growth across the lifespan: Pathways back to spirit. In J. Vis & H. M. Boynton (Eds.) Trauma, spirituality and post-traumatic growth in clinical social work practice (pp. 197-211). University of Toronto Press.
Margolin, I., Krupa, T., Kidd, S.A., Burnham, D., Hemingway, D., Patterson, M., & Zabkiewicz, D. (2017). Using art-based methods to create research spaces that encourage meaningful dialogue about gender, social inequity, recovery and mental illness. In M. Morrow & L. H. Malcoe (Eds.) Critical Inquiries: Theories and Methodologies for Social Justice in Mental Health (pp. 386-412). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Refereed presentations and abstracts
Lyle, E., Snowber, C., Conrad, D., Glover, S. K., Bergonzoni, C., Margolin, I. (2024, June 12-17). Loving Acts of Transgression Spotlight. Canadian Society for Studies in Education. University of Montreal, Montreal, QC.
Margolin, I. & Jain, R. (2024, June 7-9). Mental Wellness, COVID-19 Pandemic, and Indigenous Health Care Workers in British Columbia: Recommendations for Medium-Term Impact Management. 7th International Conference on Advanced Research in Social Sciences. Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK.
Kolochuk, S. & Margolin, I. (2024, June 3-5). Exploring Social Workers’ Spiritual Meaning Reconstruction processes After the Unanticipated Death of a Client(s). International Death, Grief, and Bereavement Conference: Death, Dying, and Bereavement: Diversity Throughout the Lifespan, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. La Crosse, WI.
Margolin, I. & Jones, A. (2023, June 21-24). 7 Women: Collages of Spirit: Collages of Self. Paper presented at The 10th Annual International Conference, The spirit in social work: Toward ecospirituality, holistic, and sustainable social work practice. Canadian Society for Spirituality and Social Work, University of Dalhousie, Halifax, NS.
Smith, T. & Margolin, I. (2023, June 21-24). Reflections From a Student and Supervisor on a Spiritually Focused MSW Clinical Practicum. Paper presented at The 10th Annual International Conference, The spirit in social work: Toward ecospirituality, holistic, and sustainable social work practice. Canadian Society for Spirituality and Social Work, University of Dalhousie, Halifax, NS.
Kolochuk, S. & Margolin, I. (2023, June 21-24). Paper presented at The 10th Annual International Conference, The spirit in social work: Toward ecospirituality, holistic, and sustainable social work practice. Canadian Society for Spirituality and Social Work, University of Dalhousie, Halifax, NS.
Boynton, H. M. & Margolin, I. (2023, June 21-24). A Spiritual Practice Model for Social Work Paper presented at The 10th Annual International Conference, The spirit in social work: Toward ecospirituality, holistic, and sustainable social work practice. Canadian Society for Spirituality and Social Work, University of Dalhousie, Halifax, NS.
Boynton, H. M., Margolin, I., De Vinck, E., O’Doherty, A., (2023, June 21-24). Children’s spirituality: Preliminary findings. Paper presented at The 10th Annual International Conference, The spirit in social work: Toward ecospirituality, holistic, and sustainable social work practice. Canadian Society for Spirituality and Social Work, University of Dalhousie, Halifax, NS.
Margolin, I. & Boynton, H. (2023, May 30-June 2). Re-imagining social work through critical spiritual pedagogy. Canadian Association for Social Work Education, York University, Toronto, ON.
Boynton, H.M, Margolin, I., & De Vinck, E. (2022, June). Sharing children’s perspectives on spirituality. Society for Spirituality & Social Work 2022 Conference: How the Spirit Moves Us. Online.
Hanrahan, C., Margolin, I., Sherwood, D, & Crowther, E. (2022, June). Becoming practitioners and clients: How ecosocial work can teach becoming (peaceful, equitable, kind). Society for Spirituality & Social Work 2022 Conference: How the Spirit Moves Us. Online.
Hemingway, D., Holler, J., Margolin, I. (2021, December). Addressing Sexual and Domestic Violence in Northern British Columbia: Local, Regional, and intersectional Perspectives, Resources, and Strategies for Change. 2021 Northern BC Research and Quality Virtual Conference.
Boynton, H., Margolin, I. & Mullen, C. (2021, October). Opening Our Hearts the Spirituality of Children Experiencing Trauma, Grief and Loss. 2021 Virtual Parliament of World Religions.
Margolin, I. & Sen T. (2021, June). Spirituality & Creativity: The Creative Process in the Individual. Paper to be presented at the Eleventh International Conference on Religion & Spirituality in Society, U of Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain.
Margolin, I. (2020, November). My Social Work Practice & Spirituality Course: Purpose, Process, and Possibilities. Paper presented online at Spirituality in Education Symposium, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Margolin, I. & Sen T. (2020, April). Tat Tavm Asi: An Inclusive Contemplative Practice to Promote Harmony. Paper was to be presented at Tenth International Conference on Religion & Spirituality in Society, UBC, Vancouver, BC but cancelled due to COVID.
Margolin, I. & Sen, T. (2019, June). Posttraumatic Growth: Mahavakyam Meditation for Trauma Recovery and Self-Discovery. Paper presented at Canadian Association for Social Work Education, Vancouver, BC. June 3-6, 2019.
Margolin, I. & Hemingway, D., (2019, March). Using Arts-based Mentorship between Older and Younger Women with Mental Illness to Make Meaning of the Recovery Journey. Paper presented at Northern FIRE Symposium: Gendered Realities in Northern BC. Prince George, BC. March 8, 2019
Hemingway, D., Margolin, I., Zimmer, L. (2019, March). An Examination of Health Needs of Older Women Experiencing Precarious or No Employment in Northern British Columbia. Paper presented at Northern FIRE Symposium: Gendered Realities in Northern BC, Prince George, BC. March 8, 2019
Margolin, I. (2018, July). Bodymind Medicine: Cultivating Self-Care in Social Work Education with Proclamation Meditation. Paper presented at Social Work & Social Development International Conference. Dublin, Ireland July 4-7, 2018.
Margolin, I. (2018, March). Break free: One young woman’s recovery from male teen dating violence through simple structured movement. Paper presented at Northern FIRE Addressing Gendered Violence Symposium. Prince George, BC. March 9, 2018.
Margolin, I. (2017, March). A qualitative arts-based inquiry to support awareness, resilience, and self-care: Exploring Proclamation (Mahavakyam) Meditation with undergraduate social work students in the classroom. Paper presented at International Spirituality and Psychology Conference. Bankok, Thailand March 17-18, 2017.