Litz, Dr. David
EdD (University of Calgary), MA (University of Birmingham), MES (Dalhousie University), BEd (University of Toronto), BA (Dalhousie University)
Dr. Litz has an EdD in Educational Leadership from The University of Calgary, Canada. His current research utilizes mixed methods to investigate the cross-cultural applicability of Western leadership models within global/international K-12 school contexts and the links between emotional intelligence and leadership practices. Some of his other research interests and expertise include globalization and education, comparative education, cross-cultural understandings of leadership and management, leadership preparation, educational equity and social justice, international educational development, and educational policy.
Before joining UNBC, Dr. Litz taught in various K-12 contexts in Ontario, British Columbia, and international schools. He has also worked as a faculty member at several higher educational institutions in South Korea and the Middle East. In addition, Dr. Litz has been involved with several government-funded and UNESCO educational projects in the Middle East / North Africa (MENA) region and Azerbaijan on curriculum improvement and innovation, program assessment, school leader performance standards, teacher licensure, educational policy implementation, and capacity-building and quality assurance within K-12 and higher education sectors.
Research and Expertise
- Culture
- Education
- Human Rights
- Youth
- English
Selected Publications
Referreed Journal Articles
Azaza, M., Litz, D., & Blaik Hourani, R. (2023). Investigating teacher professional learning in a context of change: A UAE case study. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 22(1), 1-29.
Blaik Hourani, R., Litz, D., Ali, N., Parkman, S. (2023). Abu Dhabi school leaders’ emotional intelligence dimensions, deficits, and capacity-building for school improvement. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 22, 259-282.
Blaik Hourani, R., Litz, D., Parkman, S. (2023). Linking emotional intelligence to professional leadership performance standards. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 26(6), 1005-1036.
Blaik, R., Litz, D., Ali, N., Azaza, M., & Parkman, S. (2023). Emotional intelligence dimensions and professional standards: Trajectories for building capacities for school improvement. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 22(4), 825-856.
Blaik Hourani, R., Litz, D., Azaza, M., & Smith, A. (2022). Emotional intelligence and educational transformation: School leaders’ voices in the United Arab Emirates. International Studies in Educational Administration, 50(1), 44-83.
Blaik Hourani, R., Litz, D., & Parkman, S. (2021). Emotional intelligence and school leaders: Evidence from Abu Dhabi. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 49(3), 493-517.
Gromik, N., & Litz, D. (2021). Study benefits of smartphones: Perceptions of female Emirati pre-service teacher undergraduates. Education Sciences, 11(12), 817.
Litz, D., Blaik Hourani, R., & Scott, S, (2020). Leadership challenges in an educational program at a UAE juvenile detention center: A contextual analysis. International Journal of Educational Development. 76, 102193.
Scott, D. E., Scott, S., Anne, A., Crosby, S. L., Dudar, L. M., Fournier, E., & Litz, D. R. (2020). Contemporary expectations for entrepreneurship: Lessons to be learned from a case about the shift in Canadian decanal responsibilities. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, (192), 6-19.
Kennetz, K., Litz, D., Riddlebarger, J., Tennant, L., Dickson, M., & Stringer, P. (2020). Placing elementary-school teachers at the vanguard of modernisation: Language use and emergent identity among English-medium teachers in the UAE. English in Education, 54(1), 74-92.
Blaik Hourani, R, Litz, D., & Jederberg, S. (2020). Perceived value of the Abu Dhabi Educational Care Centre for enhancing juvenile education within the spectrum of social justice: Confronting challenges. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 23(2), 199-222.
Blaik Hourani, R., Litz, D., & Smith, A. (2020). Multi-dimensional leaders’ roles and responsibilities: Dynamics, constraints and policy change in a UAE juvenile correctional educational center. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 48(4), 682-702.
Blaik Hourani, R., & Litz, D. (2019). Aligning professional development, school self-evaluation and principals’ performance standards: A UAE case study. School Leadership & Management, 39(2), 222-249.
Parkman, S., Litz, D., & Gromik, N. (2018). Examining pre-service teachers’ acceptance of technology-rich learning environments: A UAE case study. Education and Information Technologies, 23(3) 1253-1275.
Blaik Hourani, R., & Litz, D. (2018). Juvenile education in Abu Dhabi: Insights from and implications of school policies for educational equity. Journal of Correctional Education, 69(2), 33-58.
Litz, D., & Scott, S. (2017). Transformational leadership in the educational system of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 45(4), 566-587.
Carroll, K. S., Al Kahwaji, B., & Litz, D. (2017). Triglossia and promoting Arabic literacy in the United Arab Emirates. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 30(3), 1-16.
Blaik Hourani, R., & Litz, D. (2016). Perceptions of the school self-evaluation process: the case of Abu Dhabi. School Leadership & Management, 36(3), 247-270.
Litz, D., Juma, Q. A., & Carroll, K. S. (2016). School leadership styles among educators in Abu Dhabi. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development, 18(2), 81-99.
Refereed Book Chapters
Blaik Hourani, R., Litz, D., & Ali, N. (2023). UAE school reforms and leadership: What can be learned from Muslim scholars’ perspectives and contemporary insights? In K. Arar, R. Sawalhi, A. Decuir, and T. Amatullah (Eds.), Uncovering Islamic-based educational leadership, administration, and management: Challenging expectations through global critical insights (pp. 179-195). Routledge.
Dickson, M., & Litz, D. (2023). Using EMI in teaching STEM subjects on the Arabian Peninsula to support Arabic-speaking learners. In M. Wyatt and G. El Gamal (Eds.), English as a medium of instruction on the Arabian Peninsula (pp. 187-201). Routledge.
Litz, D. R., Areepattamannil, S., & Parkman, S. (2022). Relationships between out-of-school-time lessons and academic performance among adolescents in four high-performing education systems. In G. Trajkovski, M. Demeter, and H. Hayes (Eds.), Applying data science and learning analytics throughout a learner’s lifespan (pp. 27-55). IGI Global.
Amatullah, T., & Litz, D. (2022). Evidence-informed teaching practice in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). In C. Brown and J. R. Malin (Eds.), The handbook of evidence-informed practice in education: Learning from international contexts (pp. 107-119). Emerald Publishing Ltd.
Litz, D. (2021). Transformational teacher leadership: A global perspective. In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Handbook of research on modern educational technologies, applications, and management (pp. 521-536). IGI Global. doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3476-2.ch031
Litz, D., & Blaik Hourani, R. (2020). Transformational leadership and change in education. In R. Papa (Ed.), Oxford encyclopedia of educational administration. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190264093.013.631
Litz, D., & Blaik Hourani, R. (2016). Developing educational capital in times of change: The experience of Abu Dhabi. In I. R. Haslem and M. S. Khine (Eds.), Leveraging social capital in systemic education reform (pp. 115-141). Sense.
Van Den Hoven, M. & Litz, D. R. (2016). Organizational metaphors and the evaluation of higher education programs, management practices, and change processes: A UAE case study. In E. Espinosa (Ed.), Handbook of research on systemic knowledge-based assessment of higher education programs (pp. 43-68). IGI-Global.
Published Conference Proceedings and Official Reports
Litz, D., Azaza, M., Ali, N., Chabot, G., & Addam, H. (2021). Policy implementation in the MENA region: lessons learned and recommendations. UNESCO-Regional Center for Educational Planning.
Litz, D., & Blaik Hournai R. (2019). Diagnosing the Abu Dhabi education system: Past achievements, current strengths, and future challenges. In Proceedings of symposium: Developing UAE education - keeping pace with the times (pp. 92-121). Sultan bin Zayed Culture and Media Centre.
Litz, D., & Smith, A. (2015). Proofreading policies for ESL/EFL learners: The uses, functions, and shortcomings of university writing centers. In P. McLaren, M. Al-Hamly, C. Gunn, J. Riddlebarger, S. Calladine, D. Anderson & S. Troudi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th TESOL Arabia Conference: Methods and means in ELT (pp. 146-157). TESOL Arabia.