Jokinen, Nancy
RSW, BA, HBSW, SW (Lakehead), PhD (Calgary)
As an Adjunct Professor, Nancy continues to support graduate students and work in the field of aging and intellectual disabilities with a focus on dementia practices and quality of life. She is a longtime member of the US based National Task Group on Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia Practices (NTG). In Canada she co-created the NTG-Canadian Consortium on Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia that has piloted an adapted version of the NTG’s national education and training curriculum. In May 2018, Nancy was invited to the National Conference on Dementia to participate in the development of the Canadian National Strategy on Dementia. With the advocacy efforts at the conference and from people from across the country, the newly released Canadian National Dementia Strategy includes recognition of the needs of adults with intellectual disabilities and their caregivers affected by dementia.
Research and Expertise
Aging Disability Health Dementia Familial Relations and Support Quality of Life Age-Friendly Communities Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research
Selected Publications
Thorpe, L., Jokinen, N., & Stemp, S. (in press). Aging in people with developmental disabilities. In M. Percy & I. Brown (Eds.), Developmental disabilities in Ontario, 4th Edition. Baltimore: Brookes Publishing.
Baumbusch, J., Moody, E., Hole, R., Jokinen, N., & Stainton, T. (2019). Using healthcare services: Perspectives of community-dwelling aging adults with intellectual disabilities and family members. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 16(1), 4-12. doi: 10.1111/jppi.12264
Deb, S., Strydom, A., P. Janicki, M., Jokinen, N., Service, K., De Vreese, L., & Gomiero, T. (2019). Dementia. In M. O. Bertelli, S. Deb, K. Munir, A. Hassiotis & L. Salvador-Carulla (Eds.), Textbook of psychiatry for intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder. Geneva, Switzerland: Springer International.
Janicki, M., Jokinen, N., Marsack, C., & Keller, S. (2019). Toward a research agenda on the impact of dementia upon carers of adults with intellectual disability. Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities. xx-xx. doi: org/10.26407/2019jrtdd.1.18
Jokinen, N. (2019). Appendix G: Dementia and adults with intellectual / developmental disabilities. Addendum to the CAHS Assessment on improving the quality of life and care of persons living with dementia and their caregivers (pp. 44-51). Ottawa, ON: Canadian Academy of Health Sciences.
Jokinen, N., Gomiero, T., Watchman, K., Janicki, M. P., Hogan, M., Larsen, F., . . . Crowe, J. (2018). Perspectives on family caregiving of people aging with intellectual disability affected by dementia: Commentary from the International Summit on Intellectual Disability and Dementia. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 61(4), 411-431. doi: 10.1080/01634372.2018.1454563
McCallion, P., Jokinen, N., & Janicki, M. P. (2017). Aging. In M. L. Wehmeyer, I. Brown, M. Percy, W. L. A. Fung & K. A. Shogren (Eds.), A Comprehensive Guide to Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (2nd ed., pp. 639-651). Baltimore, MD: Brookes.
Jokinen, N. S. (2016). Aging parents. In I. L. Rubin, J. Merrick, D. E. Greydanus & D. R. Patel (Eds.), Health care for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities across the lifespan (pp. 79-84). Switzerland Springer International.
Jokinen, N. S. (2014). Quality of life and older-aged adults. In R. I. Brown & R. Faragher (Eds.), Quality of life and intellectual disabilities: Knowledge application to other social and educational challenges (pp. 247-264). New York: Nova Science.
Jokinen, N. (2014). Non-pharmacological interventions. In K. Watchman (Ed.), Intellectual disability and dementia. Research into practice (pp. 79-93). London: Jessica Kingsley.
Jokinen, N., Janicki, M. P., Keller, S. M., McCallion, P., Force, L. T., & National Task Group on Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia Care Practices. (2013). Guidelines for structuring community care and supports for people with intellectual disabilities affected by dementia. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 10(1), 1-24. doi: 10.1111/jppi.12016
Jokinen, N.S., Janicki, M.P., Hogan, M., & Force, L.T. (2012). The middle years and beyond: Transitions and families of adults with Down syndrome. Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 18(2), 59-69.