Huynh, Ngoc
Ngoc started her nursing career at Vancouver General Hospital and eventually transitioned to BC Women’s Hospital. She has worked in the Middle East and volunteered in numerous countries. While working and visiting different countries, Ngoc obtained her post-graduate diploma and a graduate degree in Wound Care and Nursing Education from Monash University in Australia.
She teaches mainly in the areas of adult acute care and nursing leadership. Her clinical background is varied, ranging from adults to neonates and more recently in the area of palliative care. Ngoc's research interests are focused on children with complex care needs and their families, particularly those of marginalized communities.
Research and Expertise
Children with Complex Care Needs Health Inequities Nursing Leadership Nursing Pedagogy
- Health
- Health and Well-being
Selected Publications
Chapters in Book
Huynh, Ngoc. (2019). Nursing Care of the Child with an Alteration in Tissue Integrity/Integumentary Disorder in Caroline Saunders, Canadian Maternity and Pediatric Nursing. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. (Forthcoming).
Other Contributions
- INACSL Standards Organizational Review in 2014 of the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) Standards of Best Practice: Simulation (2014).