Online Orientation

Welcome to UNBC!

welcome graphic

The Student Life and Orientation team would like to welcome all of our new undergraduate and graduate students!

We have prepared online orientation modules to provide you with a deeper understanding of the resources, services, and opportunities available to you while you complete your studies at UNBC. There are specific modules for undergraduate and graduate students with information on how to plan your journey at UNBC, give you tips for success, and a heads up on what to expect during your first year.

The modules are for your information and are not graded. You can revisit modules as often as you like! They will be released over several weeks leading up to Orientation Day in September and all modules will be available until September 30th.

To access Online Orientation:

  1. Log into Moodle with your UNBC user ID and password. 
    1. Please note, your Moodle account will be available for you to access after you register for at least one Fall Semester course. 
  2. Click the "Enrol me" button (as pictured below) to complete your enrolment.
Information to self enroll in online orientation modules

If you have any questions about the online orientation modules, please email

We are looking forward to meeting you!