The First Nations Centre is asking UNBC students, staff, and faculty to make an origami raven as part of our goal to make 1000 Ravens to symbolize a University-wide wish for reconciliation.
An ancient Japanese legend promises that anyone who folds 1000 origami cranes will be granted a wish. An important figure within First Nations cultures, Raven is known for teaching lessons through his trickster ways and bringing light to a world of darkness. Once 1000 Ravens have been completed they will be prominently displayed on campus.
We express our gratitude to Beverly Best for initiating the 1,000 Ravens for Reconciliation initiative at UNBC.
Make an Origami Raven
The raven-making process begins with a presentation on Truth and Reconciliation by First Nations Centre facilitators, followed by instruction on making the origami raven itself.
"The building of each raven is not an easy task, but Reconciliation is not easy either. You are going to face conflict building your raven, but let that be a reminder of the difficult process of Reconciliation. It won’t happen overnight, but with perseverance, we know the end result will be beautiful and will hopefully be motivation to complete this small task."
"It's not about how many one person can make; it's about how many people can make one."
-Beverly Best
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