UNBC Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Graduate Student Competition

3MT Competition
Canfor Theatre
Prince George

An 80,000-word thesis would take 9 hours to present; they have three minutes to tell us what they are doing, how they are doing it, and how it relates to the real world.

To present a thesis in just three minutes, they need to be concise and understand the importance of good storytelling. 

The competition supports their capacity to effectively explain their research in three minutes, in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience.

Event schedule

Please find below the order of proceedings for the Three Minute Thesis competition. Please note that the extra 8 minutes allotted between competitions is to allow the judges to complete and submit their scoring.  Once the judges have completed the scoring, then the next competitor will be introduced. 

1:15 p.m. - Audience to arrive

1:30 p.m. - Welcome by Elder Clifford Quaw


1:40 p.m. - Nusrat Jahan Panna - Causes of Digital Harassment Against Women in Bangladesh

1:55 p.m. - Davi Florencio de Lima - Supporting Population Aging in Quesnel, B.C. - Public Policy: Challenges and Opportunities

2:10 p.m. - Leila Doudey - A Tale of Two Fractions: Bridging Inhalable and Respirable Metal Exposure

2:25 p.m.  Lina Shehata - Optimization of Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation using PMS in Prince George

2:40 p.m. - Tina Fathalipour - Biodegradable Medical Catheters: Lignin-Based Filaments for Sustainable 3D Printing

2:55-3:10 p.m. - Break 

3:10 p.m. - Hanna Tench - Hatching failure in tree swallows is due to embryo death, not infertility

3:20 p.m. - Genevieve van der Voort - Wetland Pollinator Networks and the role of terrestrial pollinators

3:30 p.m. - Leah Swanson - Round up, the usual suspect: investigating glyphosate-based herbicides’ effects on cut block insect communities

3:40 p.m. - Lucas Lenartowicz - Keeping Us Warm: The Role of PACAP in Mammalian Heat Production

3:55 p.m. - Rebecca Vesuwe - Xanthan Biosynthesis in the Granule Matrix of Aerobic Granular Sludge Wastewater Treatment Systems

4:10 p.m. - Break

4:25 p.m. - MC announces winners

Join the audience

The 2025 3MT® Final is open to the public!  Come and cheer on UNBC's graduate students and learn about their exciting research in just 3 minutes. 

There are three categories: 

  • 1st Place
  • 2nd Place
  • People's Choice Award

Come out and cheer for your favourite three-minute presentation. But wait it doesn’t end there, YOU, the audience, have a chance to vote for the “People’s Choice Award”!!! This lucky competitor will have a chance to win not only $275.00, but possibly 1st or 2nd prize as well, and the 1st prize competitor will represent UNBC at the Western Regional Finals in Victoria. 

Join us in on Thursday at the Canfor Theatre and prepare to be educated, entertained and enthralled by UNBC's Graduate Student 3MT® Research Competitors. 

Contact Information

Please email any questions to Michelle, Graduate Experience Coordinator, at gradexperience@unbc.ca.