Thesis Defence: Bethany Watts (Master of Education in Counselling)
You are encouraged to attend the defence. The details of the defence and attendance information is included below:
Date: January 24, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM (PT)
Defence mode: Remote
Virtual Attendance: via Zoom
LINK TO JOIN: Please contact the Office of Graduate Administration for information regarding remote attendance for online defences.
To ensure the defence proceeds with no interruptions, please mute your audio and video on entry and do not inadvertently share your screen. The meeting will be locked to entry 5 minutes after it begins: please ensure you are on time.
Abstract: While research continues to grow around healthy aging in seniors from different communities, there is a lack of qualitative research on the lived experiences of seniors. Furthermore, there has been a lack of research around this topic in Newfoundland and Labrador.
This research explored the lived experiences of six seniors that grew up in communities across Newfoundland by interpreting their stories of aging and meaningful aspects of their lives. Using exploratory research methodology and reflexive thematic analysis, four themes were generated, each containing three subthemes. The four themes included: Hardiness, Physical and Emotional Well-Being, Connection, and Core Values and Belief Systems.
The results of this study contribute valuable findings that increase knowledge and understanding of how to address the complexities of aging. This sharing of seniors’ stories and experiences illustrates the importance of including lived experiences in senior care and understanding.
Defence Committee:
Chair: Dr. Andrea Gingerich , University of Northern British Columbia
Supervisor: Dr. Linda O’Neill , University of Northern British Columbia
Committee Member: Dr. Nancy Jokinen , University of Northern British Columbia
Committee Member: Dr. John Sherry, University of Northern British Columbia
External Examiner: Dr. Tammy Pearson, University of Northern British Columbia
Contact Information
Graduate Administration in the Office of the Registrar, University of Northern British Columbia