Public Lecture and Book Signing: Virginia Braun

Canfor Theatre
Prince George

Title: Quality measures for qualitative research: what really matters and why?

Speaker: Dr. Virginia (Ginny) Braun
Professor in the School of Psychology at Waipapa Taumata Rau/The University of Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand, Ahurei/Fellow of Te Apārangi The Royal Society of New Zealand

Biography: A feminist and critical health psychologist, Ginny teaches around gender, sex and sexuality, and critical health psychology topics, and researches a wide range of gender, sexuality and health topics.

Ginny is most widely known as a qualitative methodological scholar, not least for the development of an approach to thematic analysis – reflexive thematic analysis – (with AP Victoria Clarke, and others). Award winning books with Victoria Clarke are Successful Qualitative Research: A Practical Guide for Beginners (Sage, 2013) – translated into Hindi and Marathi – and Thematic Analysis: A Practical Guide (Sage, 2022). They also edited (with Debra Gray) Collecting Qualitative Data: A Practical Guide to Textual, Media and Virtual Techniques (Cambridge, 2017) – translated into (Brazilian) Portuguese. They have developed websites for both thematic analysis ( and qualitative story completion (

*Refrehsments and networking at 5:30pm, with the presentation starting at 6:00pm.

*If you would like to bring any of your books. Dr. Braun will be available for signing after the presentation.

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