Overcoming Obstacles: Skills to Build Resilience for Students and International Students in Graduate Studies

Overcoming Obstacles Poster
Prince George


In my time as a counsellor at this post-secondary institution, I have had the opportunity to observe my own movement through graduate studies as well as the movements of many other graduate students. One of the major components to continued success in graduate studies is your resilience. These workshops will help you learn and master techniques that will improve your resilience and ability to apply self-care which will improve your life as a graduate student significantly! These sessions will also be available via Zoom for students who are off-campus. We will update this page once we get more details. Please refer to the outline below to see a more detailed description of each session.

Schedule Outline

  1. Introduction: Overview
    1. Discussion – your expectations?
    2. Privacy & confidentiality overview
    3. Q&A with Jill Mitchell Nelson (Associate Registrar, Graduate)
  2. Session 1: Life Role Management and Setting Effective Boundaries
    1. What is a life role?
    2. Things that alter our life roles and how to balance them effectively
    3. Boundaries and why you need them
  3. Session 2: Mindfulness: A Key to Emotion Regulation and Clarity of Thought
    1. What is mindfulness?
    2. DBT: the three minds - how to utilize mindfulness skills effectively
  4. Session 3: Stress: What Is It and What Can We Do About It?
    1. Differentiate between distress and eustress
    2. Identify signs of stress and develop skills to help with lowering stress

Contact Information

Maria Walsh (MEd, CCC)

Email: wellness@unbc.ca

Phone: 250-960-6369