NSERC Alliance Society Grants (Continuous Intake)


Alliance grants encourage university researchers to collaborate with partner organizations, which can be from the private, public or not-for-profit sectors. These grants support research projects led by strong, complementary, collaborative teams that will generate new knowledge and accelerate the application of research results to create benefits for Canada.

Application deadline: Continuous Intake. Allow 14-24 weeks for the review process.

Applications must be received in the Office of Research and Innovation a minimum of 5 business days in advance of submission to the funding agency. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Research and Innovation via Romeo. Please allow enough time for Chair and Dean Approval.

Funding Description

Contact Information

Jacqui Dockray, Research Project Officer - Natural Sciences
Email: jacqueline.dockray@unbc.ca
Phone: 250-960-6357


Mostafa Sabzevari, Research Project Officer - Applied Sciences and Engineering
Phone: 250-960-5616