Anthropology in Our Backyards

Body Piercing as a Powerful
Corporeal Communication Code
Dr. Franz Manni
Musée de l'Homme, Paris
Tues. April 4th, 2023
UNBC Rm. 7-158
Zoom Webinar
Webinar ID 678 3079 0220 Webinar Passcode 354258
Her majesty Queen Elisabeth II has been one of the pioneers of body piercing revival in western societies, before the Punk scene and the hedonistic and libertarian movement of the Modern Primitives from California. But the modern body piercing custom has also been partly inspired by the tradition of many ancestral populations around the world, British Columbia included. New studies have been directed to the understanding of the history and prehistory of body piercing practices. This research shows that body piercing can be culturally transmitted over many generations and carried to new lands by early human migrations and, in more recent times, following the development of modern communication, from Victorian newsletters to Instagram portfolios.