Learnings from Himalayan Cultures of Compassion, Gross National Happiness and Mindfulness


Global Friday Presents
Hilary Crowley
Phyisotherapist and President of Samuha Overseas Development Association (S.O.D.A)

ABSTRACT:  Tibet, Bhutan and Ladakh will form the backdrop of this exploration of Himalayan culture. The communities are linked by the Himalaya by Buddhism and observed through a medical perspective. We will start by visiting medical schools and schools for orphan children in Tibet. We then shift our focus to Bhutan and discuss how the King led the country from an Absolute Monarchy to a Constitutional Monarchy and instituted the concept of Gross National Happiness. We explore the steep geography of the region through hiking in the mountains and also gain an understanding of the difficulty in navigation for people with disability. Lastly, we go to Ladakh in the far north of India, sandwiched between Pakistan and China. These lines of control are frequently challenged by these neighbours and are protected by the Indian army. Ladakh is predominantly Buddhist but also has a considerable Moslem presence. These experiences are encapsulated in Hilary’s book, HEALTH IN THE HIMALAYA. The talk will be accompanied by a slide-show of Tibet, Bhutan and Ladakh. Both of Hilary’s books are available through the UNBC book store.


Hilary graduated from St Thomas School of Physiotherapy in London in 1966. She spent a year travelling and working in South Africa in 1968. In 1970, she emigrated to Canada, where she spent a year working at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal before moving on to British Columbia. In 1994 Hilary took a year’s leave of absence to volunteer as a physiotherapy trainer in South India with SAMUHA, with their community-based rehabilitation program at the height of the polio epidemic. On returning home, Hilary encouraged some of her Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy colleagues to join her to form a non-profit society in Prince George to support SAMUHA’s work. This developed into a charity, Samuha Overseas Development Association (SODA). Through their fundraising efforts, SODA sends a minimum of $20,000.00 annually to SAMUHA to help run their disability program. In 2019 Hilary published a book, FOOTSTEPS TO FREEDOM – Tales of Therapy in Rural India, which illustrates SODA’s work in India. In 2021 she published her 2nd book, HEALTH IN THE HIMALAYA – Tibet Bhutan Ladakh. This 2nd book is the subject of Hilary’s talk today.

Hilary is now retired as a clinical physiotherapist but continues to support the new physiotherapy program at UNBC. Hilary was awarded the Enid Graham Memorial Award for her professional contributions to Global Health in 2013 and the Life Membership in the Canadian Physiotherapy Association in 2020.

Also available Online via Zoom Webinar:  https://unbc.zoom.us/j/64693431828?pwd=K21OSUpKd0lYQWN1cFh6T0llYUFEQT09 Passcode: 484480



Global Fridays gratefully acknowledges funding from the Faculties of Indigenous Studies, Social Sciences and Humanities; Business and Economics; Environment; Human and Health Sciences; Science and Engineering.