CMOS/NRESi Special Colloquium: Canada's Changing Climate Report. Dr. Nathan Gillett, Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis.

Canfor Theatre - 6-213 or webcast (
Prince George
Dr. Nathan Gillett

Canada’s Changing Climate Report was released on April 1st, 2019. Led by Environment and Climate Change Canada, this is the first report to be released through the national assessment report series: Canada in a Changing Climate: Advancing our Knowledge for Action. The report provides comprehensive information on how and why Canada’s climate has changed, and what changes are projected for the future. This talk will presents results from the report on changes across Canada in temperature, precipitation, snow, ice, and permafrost, freshwater availability as well as in Canada’s three oceans. Changes in Canada’s climate will be considered within the broader context of global-scale changes, including presentation of recent results from the IPCC Special Reports.

The Natural Resources & Environmental Studies Institute (NRESi) at UNBC hosts a weekly lecture series at the Prince George campus. Anyone from the university or wider community with interest in the topic area is welcome to attend. Presentations are also made available to remote participants through Livestream (Channel 1). Go to to view the presentation remotely.

Past NRESi colloquium presentations and special lectures can be viewed on our video archive, available here.

Contact Information

Al Wiensczyk, RPF
Research Manager,
Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Institute
Phone: 250-614-4354
Phone: 250-960-5018