What's a ‘Cumulative Impact’, Anyway? Unpacking the environmental, community, and health impacts of resource development activities across northern BC
The UNBC Cumulative Impacts Research Consortium (CIRC) delivered a free public lecture and facilitated a community workshop in Smithers on September 26, 2018. The lecture was given as part of the Bulkley Valley Research Centre’s Seminar Series, and provided an overview of cumulative impacts science and research. The workshop an opportunity for people who live and work in Smithers and the surrounding area to share stories and perspectives about how natural resource development positively and negatively impacts local community, environmental, and health values. It was also an opportunity for the CIRC to get feedback on how our ongoing work can best support on the ground capacity to respond to issues related to cumulative impacts. A report documenting key themes can be found below:
A video recording of the public lecture can also be found here.
Contact Information
For more information, please contact:
The Cululative Impacts Research Consortium - circ@unbc.ca