NRESi Colloquium: Proactive conservation of wildlife habitat and development of natural resources, addressing potential future conflicts in almost intact boreal wildlands of the Muskwa-Kechika Management Area, northeast BC. Dr. Nobi Suzuki, UNBC

Room - 8-164 or webcast (
Prince George
Dr Nobi Suzuki

The Muskwa-Kechika Management Area (M-KMA) in northeast BC is an almost intact boreal landscape, nearly twice the size of Vancouver Island, with no previous history of industrial development of natural resources. The area supports one of the most diverse, abundant large-mammal assemblages in North America as well as potentially provides opportunity for development of numerous renewable and non-renewable resources. We assessed potential effects of future natural resource development on 7 large mammal species and their habitats in the M-KMA using newly developed GIS layers of resource potential for oil, gas, minerals, forest resources, and wind power.  To conserve high-value habitats of woodland caribou and grizzly bears, we used a conservation planning tool, MARXAN, and outlined proactive conservation scenarios for woodland caribou and grizzly bears while evaluating potential for resource development. This presentation will focus on: 1) how development of natural resources by multiple industrial sectors in the future may alter habitats and relationships among large mammal species, including caribou, moose, elk, and wolves; and 2) potential ecological and economic consequences of various habitat conservation scenarios. The speaker intends to balance technical and non-technical aspects in the presentation to accommodate everyone who is interested in ecology, conservation, and/or socio-economic issues.

The Natural Resources & Environmental Studies Institute (NRESi) at UNBC hosts a weekly lecture series at the Prince George campus. Anyone from the university or wider community with interest in the topic area is welcome to attend. Presentations are also made available to remote participants through Livestream and Blue Jeans. Go to to view the presentation remotely.

Past NRESi colloquium presentations and special lectures can be viewed on our video archive, available here.

Contact Information

Al Wiensczyk, RPF
Research Manager,
Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Institute
Phone: 250-614-4354
Phone: 250-960-5018