Identifying Youth Place-Based Values in School District 91

Off Campus

In order to better understand youth perspectives on regional environmental, community and health values, CIRC led an arts-based mapping activity with grade 8 students from School District 91 (SD91) in May 2017. The overall goal of this workshop was to learn about the kinds of environment, community and health values that are important to youth living in SD91 in relation to resource development. While youth will be deeply impacted by the land use and resource management decisions we make today, their perspectives are typically under-represented in land use decision making processes. In addition, this workshop introduced the concept of cumulative impacts and began an ongoing conversation with youth participants about the positive and negative impacts of resource development. For more information and to read a summary of the workshop, click on the workshop report link below:

CIRC-SD91 Workshop Report                                    

Contact Information

Madeline Wilson
CIRC Research Associate