NRESi Colloqium: David Hughes, Geoscientist, Independent Energy Policy Analyst & Formerly with Geological Survey of Canada - The Energy Sustainability Dilemma: BC LNG, Oil and the Shale Revolution

7-238 or webcast (
Prince George

The Natural Resources & Environmental Studies Institute is welcoming David Hughes to present a follow-up talk to his NRESi Annual Lecture during our weekly colloquium. All are welcome to attend!

Presentation Abstract:

Hydrocarbons make up more than 80% of current energy supply. Since 1850, world energy consumption has grown 50-fold, per capita consumption has grown 9-fold, and world population has increased by 5.5 times. Oil is the number one source of energy in the world, followed by coal and natural gas. Non-hydro renewables, such as wind, solar, biofuels and biomass make up a mere 2.7% of world consumption and 1.6% of Canadian consumption. Projected growth in energy consumption through 2035 suggests that the world will then be consuming 70 times as much energy as in 1850, with more than 70% of it provided by hydrocarbons. Where will this energy come from? Canadian energy policy is firmly set on liquidating its finite, non-renewable energy assets as quickly as possible via gas and oil exports. This lecture will examine the looming energy sustainability dilemma in the light of Canada’s future prospects along with the costs of current energy policies in terms of environmental impact and Canada’s long term energy security.

Guest Lecturer Biography:

David Hughes is a geoscientist who has studied the energy resources of Canada and the U.S., including 32 years spent with the Geological Survey of Canada as a scientist and research manager, where he headed unconventional gas and coal research. His research focus is on unconventional fuels, primarily shale gas and tight oil, but also coalbed methane and other unconventional sources including oil sands, coal gasification and gas hydrates. Hughes is currently President of Global Sustainability Research Inc., a consultancy dedicated to research on energy and sustainability issues. Clients include a range of energy companies, investment firms and non-profits.

Contact Information

Leanne Elliott, NRESi Research Manager