
Below you will find a listing of upcoming events regarding equity, diversity and inclusion at UNBC.


Magnifying Black Voices 2025/2026 Information Session

people smiling, Magnifying black voices information session, February 26 2025.


We are delighted to introduce the next edition of the Magnifying Black Voices Program.

EDIA Speaker Series: 2SLGBTQIA+

Photo of Benny Michaud, with pronouns and title.


Benny Michaud

Lunch and Learn: Accessible Campus Guidelines Review

University of Northern British Columbia Office of Equity and Inclusion Logo. Lunch and Learn.


These sessions are an opportunity to review and share feedback on the first set of accessible campus guidelines.

Lunch and Learn: Accessible Campus Guidelines Review

University of Northern British Columbia Office of Equity and Inclusion Logo. Lunch and Learn.


These sessions are an opportunity to review and share feedback on the first set of accessible campus guidelines.

Lunch and Learn: Accessible Campus Guidelines Review

University of Northern British Columbia Office of Equity and Inclusion Logo. Lunch and Learn.


These sessions are an opportunity to review and share feedback on the first set of accessible campus guidelines.

Entrepreneurship at UNBC

Name of event with UNBC logo, and photo of Gerald Grant and Emily Jones Joanisse.


Northern Regional Round Table for an Inclusive Entrepreneurial Future

EDIA Speaker Series: Anti-Racism

Photo of Njeri Damali Sojourner-Campbell, with pronouns and title.


Njeri Damali Sojourner-Campbell