Selling at Farmers Markets

The rising interest in purchasing food directly from farmers has led to a tremendous growth in the number of farmers’ markets in BC over the past ten years.  A consequence of this growth in local food is that more farmers’ markets are looking for new farmer vendors – but are having a more difficult time recruiting them.  A survey by the BC Association of Farmers' Markets (BCAFM) in 2010 indicated that almost every one of its member markets was looking for additional farmer vendors.  Some markets needed more farmers to meet customer demand for the usual vegetables.  Other markets were looking to complement existing farmer vendors with specialty products.

In response to what we heard from BCAFM's members, we developed a series of pamphlets about selling at BC’s farmers’ markets.  We also learned from prospective farmer vendors that they wanted more than the standard sales pitch about how great it is to sell at farmers’ markets – they wanted more details about who was selling at farmers’ markets and what farmers’ markets had to offer them.  The reality is that farmers’ markets are not for every farmer.  What works for one farmer may not work for another.  Our goal is to provide farmers with sufficient information to be able to determine whether selling at a BC farmers’ market will match with their business goals.

The Selling at BC’s Farmers’ Markets series includes profiles of BC’s farmers’ markets, its market customers, and its vendors.  The vendors are also profiled for each of the following product groups:  vegetable, fruit, fruit & vegetables, and meat.  Each profile is presented as a four-page pamphlet.  All of these materials are available on-line at BCAFM's website

For more information contact
David J. Connell, PhD
Associate Professor