OH&S Course (06) - Fire Safety Planning & Systems


The Fire Safety Planning and Systems course teaches fire behaviour and fire safety so students have the foundational knowledge for developing and implementing a fire-safety program. The course examines fire behaviour in urban, wildland/urban interfaces, and wildlands. It also provides an understanding of wildland firefighter activities to provide knowledge of what fire crews are up against and what are the safety precautions.

Finally, the course gives you an understanding of the Incident Command System (ICS) and industry obligations when working in British Columbia's wildlands.

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain the basics of fire science
  • Give input on fire safety program and training development based on an understanding of fire science and fire suppression basics
  • Understand BC's wildfire detection and reporting processes, including how wildland fire behaviour is measured and described
  • Describe fire line organization and how it relates to fire line safety
  • Summarize safe work practices for different operations, tools, and equipment used on British Columbia’s fire lines

This course is one of 10 courses that make up the Occupational Health & Safety Online Certificate for Practitioners (OH&S). Students have the option to enrol in individual courses without having to complete the OH&S Certificate.

Course Details
Self-paced (Start and finish on your time)
Day Details: 
Day Details
Online courses are non-refundable.