Italian for Beginners I - Virtual Delivery

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italian lessons for travellers


Italian for Beginners I is an introductory course that teaches students basic vocabulary, phrases and related grammar. It is designed for those with little or no previous knowledge of the Italian language. 

Students will also learn about the landscape and culture of Italy. This course is being delivered virtually with live instruction and interaction. If you already have a basic understanding of the language, consider Italian for Beginners II.

Course Details
Virtual Classroom
Day Details: 
Day Details
Wednesday evenings: 7:00pm - 9:00pm PST

Learning Outcomes

  • Learn the basic structure of the Italian language
  • Practice pronunciation
  • Understand basic phrases and conversation
  • Explore the diverse geography and culture of Italy

Course Requirements

Students must have a computer with webcam in order to attend class and participate in exercises and knowledge checks.

Course Content


Course Cancellations

Please note that courses may be cancelled at any time due to low enrolment. Upon cancellation, registrants will receive a full refund.