Introduction to Fly Fishing

This popular course is geared towards beginner fly anglers and people interested in taking up fly fishing.
Four Wednesday evening classes will introduce participants to the basics of equipment, how to tie knots, fly casting, entomology of lakes and rivers, fishing tactics and fishing ethics. The course will end on a high note with a field trip for some dry fly fishing.
Learning Outcomes
- Introduction to fly fishing equipment
- Fly fishing rivers and lakes
- Entomology and flies
- Equipment and methods
- Knots: Clinch knot, mono non-slip loop knot, perfection loop, nail knot and surgeon's knots
- Fly casting
Course Requirements
The course provides a graphite 5wt fly rod, fly reel, and floating line for fly casting lessons and the field trip. Students need to bring rain gear, hat, safety glasses, and a pen/pencil. Students should be dressed warmly as fly casting takes place outdoors and some evenings can be cold. Must be 19+ to register.
Course Cancellations
Courses may be cancelled at any time due to low enrolment. Upon cancellation, registrants will receive a full refund.