Environmental Monitoring Certificate (Field Program)
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UNBC’s Environmental Monitoring Online Certificate is a professional certificate that gives students the theoretical and practical knowledge needed to work as an environmental monitor. Environmental monitors work as environmental representatives who ensure that industrial activities comply with today’s government standards.
This certificate teaches students the ORCA model, the system used by environmental monitors to Observe, Record, Communicate and Archive (ORCA) data to mitigate or respond to potential environmental impacts.
Course Details
Learning Outcomes
- Discover introductory information to environmental monitoring
- Discover introductory information to environmental management
- Examine sediment and erosion control
- Explore administrative, health and safety, and reporting procedures
- Conduct basic sampling of water quality and spill response
- Conduct basic sampling for mapping and vegetation ecology
- Examine wildlife, bird, and amphibian mitigation measures
- Examine fish and fish habitat
- Discover proper procedures for conducting construction in sensitive areas
- Complete Bear Awareness and Safety course
- Electrofishing certification
Course Requirements
Required classroom items: Notebook and pen. The minimum requirement for the Environmental Monitoring Certificate is Grade 12 reading, writing and comprehension, or with permission of instructor.