EM Course (03) - Sediment and Erosion Control


Sediment and Erosion Control comprehensively examines sediment erosion caused by industrial activity and the potential threats these activities might have on water and aquatic wildlife. Subsequently, the course stresses an importance on regulatory compliance associated with erosion risks and hazards. Therefore, the course provides students a background in causes of erosion and its various forms, solutions to erosion and sedimentation, and how to use technology and nature to mitigate potential harms.

Learning Outcomes

  • Define types of erosion
  • Define sedimentation and recognize the environmental hazard it presents
  • Understand roles and responsibilities of industry in terms of erosion and sediment control
  • Develop a basic understanding of bio-engineering principles
  • Learn about common tools and techniques
  • Recognize the role of natural vegetation in reclamation

This course is one of 10 courses that make up the Environmental Monitoring Online Certificate (EMC). Students have the option to enrol in individual courses without having to complete the Environmental Monitoring Certificate.

Course Details
Self-paced (Start and finish on your time)
Day Details: 
Day Details
Online courses are non-refundable.