
Funded Graduate Studies Opportunities

Ph.D. research opportunity

Project:  Forest Resilience under Climate Change

Project Summary

We are seeking a PhD student to examine forest resilience under climate change, and evaluate how future resilience may be impacted under alternative silviculture strategies

Sub-boreal forests in the central interior of British Columbia are expected to be impacted by changing climatic condition over the coming decades.  Climate induced shifts in forest composition, structure and regeneration will potentially alter the forests future resilience.  The intent of this PhD will be to assess forest resilience across multiple scales (stand to landscape) and evaluate how resilience may be modified under different silviculture strategies in the near- and long-term.

This PhD research project will entail using a combination of empirical forest data and forest ecosystem models (e.g. LANDIS II) to address these research questions.  Ideal candidates will have a strong forest ecology or silviculture background, and previous experience working with forest ecosystem models.  Strong quantitative skills and experience conducting data analysis and modelling in R, Python, or C++/C# would be beneficial.

The successful applicant will be working with Dr. Ché Elkin (University of Northern British Columbia) and Dr. Kristen Waring (Northern Arizona University).  The PhD candidate will be principally based out of the University of Northern British Columbia in Prince George B.C., but there will be opportunity to spend time at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff AZ.  Funding for this graduate position is in place, but the successful applicant will be required to pursue additional funding sources.

Interested students should contact Ché Elkin (che.elkin@unbc.ca) or Kristen Waring (Kristen.Waring@nau.edu) for further information on this research opportunity and position.  Applicants for this position will be asked to send a letter of interest, detailed CV, transcripts, and names of 3 references to Dr. Ché Elkin (che.elkin@unbc.ca).   The start date for this January 2021, or possibly September 2020 for Canadian or American Applicants.

Contact information:  For more information or to submit your application, you can contact either of the Principal Investigators

Dr. Che Elkin

University of Northern BC

3333 University Way

Prince George, BC V2N4Z9



Dr. Kristen Waring

Northern Arizona University


Undergraduate Research Opportunities

A range of undergraduate research opportunities are available in the Mixedwood Ecology Lab.  If you are interested in doing an undergraduate thesis or report on forest ecology please contact Dr. Ché Elkin (che.elkin@unbc.ca) to discuss the options and details.  Enquires should be made as early as possible to allow for planning and appropriate course registration.

Research Assistant Opportunities

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