Jago to Serve as Interim President

Media Release

June 27, 2008

Former UNBC President Charles Jago has been appointed Interim Presidentof UNBC for the next year until a permanent President is selected bythe University’s Board of Governors. He begins his term as InterimPresident on July 2.

Dr. Jago served as President of UNBC between 1995 and 2006 and presidedover tremendous growth of the University, in terms of student numbers,research activity, and campus infrastructure. He is an Order of Canadarecipient and presently Chair of several community and corporate boardsincluding the Fraser Basin Council, Northern Health, and Canfor Pulp.

“Both the Board and the University are fortunate that Dr. Jago is inPrince George and able to step in on very short notice,” says Don Rix,Chair of the UNBC Board of Governors. “Dr. Jago has the skills andexperience for the job but because of his involvement with many otherorganizations, he will be assisted by former Simon Fraser Universitypresident, Jack Blaney.” Dr. Jago and Dr. Blaney have a combined totalof more than 40 years of experience in senior administration at BCuniversities.

“I’m honoured to have been asked to serve as Interim President and I’mlooking forward to assisting with UNBC’s transition to a newpresident,” says Dr. Jago.

At its meeting this past weekend, the Board confirmed the procedure forselecting UNBC’s next President and met with staff, faculty, andstudents who provided input into the process. The search committee willbe struck this summer.

Rob van Adrichem, Director of Media and Public Relations, UNBC – 250.960.5622 

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