UNBC's First Annual Green Day - March 20

Media Release

March 17, 2008

 A group of students at the University of Northern British Columbia isorganizing the University’s first-ever Green Day, which will be held onThursday, March 20.

In advance of the event, students have been conducting aUNBC waste audit, analyzing the contents of garbage collected fromthroughout the campus over last week. The garbage was sortedand weighed on Saturday, March 15, at the I.K.Barber Enhanced Forestry Lab on campus. The results of the audit willbe presented during Green Day.

Other Green Day events:

  • Public presentation on bioenergy opportunities in northern BC,featuring Janice Larson, the Director of Bioenergy and the RenewableEnergy Branch of the BC Ministry of Energy, Mines, and PetroleumResources. Her talk will begin at 10:30am in the Bentley Centre.
  • Panel presentation on Prince George Air Quality, featuring UNBCprofessor Peter Jackson, Melissa Winfield-Lesk of the Prince George AirQuality Implementation Committee, PACHA member Betty Bekkering, andcity councilor Debora Munoz. The panel presentation will begin at noonin the Bentley Centre.
  • A display of green science fair projects from Prince George elementary school children.
  • An environmental trivia challenge in the Winter Garden at 2:30pm.
  • A series of bands and performers in the Winter Garden, starting at 10:30am.
  • More than a dozen displays and exhibits on topics related to greenresearch and academic programs, green employers and industry, greenliving, environmental arts and culture, and student activities.

UNBC has a range of environmental programs and research that is uniquein Canada. In fact, the proportion of students in environmentalprograms is about 20-times the national average.

Rob van Adrichem, Director of Media and Public Relations, UNBC – 250.960.5622

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Above:UNBC students Nadia Nowak, Danielle Smyth, and Chris Konchalski climbthe mountain of garbage bags collected from one week at UNBC.


Above: Students sort through the contents of garbage collected on campus as part of a university waste audit.