UNBC Timberwolves Heading to the Nationals

Media Release

 March 11, 2008

The UNBC Northern Timberwolves women's basketball team is heading to the national Canadian Colleges Athletic Association championship in Truro, Nova Scotia. UNBC's first game willbe at 11am (BC time) on Friday, March 14th, against The Sainte-FoyDynamiques of Quebec. It will mark the first time that a UNBCbasketball team has made it to a national championship.

On March 1st, the T-wolves scoreda BC Championship in the team's first year in the new Charles JagoNorthern Sport Centre. The facility was packed for the final game, with nearly 2000 fans cheering on the UNBC team to victory.

The Timberwolves Athletic Association - thecommunity booster club supporting UNBC Athletics - hosted arally for the Timberwolves on Monday, March 10, at Shooters Restauranton Ospika Boulevard. The event served as a celebration for the BCvictory and a send-off for the team in advance of their departure tothe Nationals.

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Loralyn Murdoch, Women's Basketball Coach, UNBC - 250.960.6368

Rob van Adrichem, Director of Media and Public Relations, UNBC - 250.960.5622 

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Above: Chelsea McMullen goes for two against Camosun College. 




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