January 2, 2007

Media Release

January 2, 2007

WhenUNBC classes resume tomorrow, students in Terrace will be attending a new andimproved campus. 

Thenew campus, at 4837 Keith Avenue,nearly triples UNBC’s space in the community. It has been renovated to include7 classrooms and seminar rooms (including a videoconference classroom and a28-seat computer lab), and a dividing wall between two of the rooms can beremoved to create a large public lecture/meeting room. There are also 9administrative and faculty offices, office space for graduate students, astudent lounge and study area, and research space. Wireless capacity has alsobeen installed in the first phase.  A second phase of renovations will addadditional classroom and faculty space.

Click here to access the web page for UNBC's Northwest Campus.

“Unlikeour old location in Terrace, this new campus provides greater opportunities forus to grow and expand our offerings in response to increased local demand,”says Judith Lapadat, Chair of UNBC’s Northwest Campus. “This fall, we’ll beadding a Bachelor of Education degree program and welcoming Nursing studentswho will be completing their degrees with UNBC after taking the first two yearsof the program locally at Northwest Community College.” 

Thissemester, UNBC is offering courses in Anthropology, Education, English, FirstNations Studies, Geography, History, and Social Work.  Click here to search UNBC courses.

“WhenI visited Terrace this past summer, I saw the need for expanded UNBC space inthe region so this is great news for UNBC and for Terrace,” says UNBC PresidentDon Cozzetto. “This new campus is vital to increasing our profile in Terraceand allowing us to respond to local needs for new courses and degree programs.This includes using technology more effectively to increase options forstudents and offering more courses through the University’s Continuing Studiesdepartment.” 

Therenovations to the new Terrace campus have been completed by UNI Construction.Repairs to the roof have been undertaken by 101 Industries of Kitimat. Thepurchase of the building was made possible by $972,000 in funding from theGovernment of British Columbia. 

JudithLapadat, Chair of the Northwest Campus, UNBC – 250.615.5578
Robvan Adrichem, Director of Media and Public Relations, UNBC – 250.960.5622

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