Forest Policy Expert to Speak at UNBC

Media Release

November 14, 2006

One of North America’s leading experts in sustainable forest policywill be speaking at UNBC later this week as the keynote speaker in theannual Doug Little Memorial Lecture. Yale University professor BenCashore will speak about British Columbia’s challenges andopportunities for sustainable forest management in an era of increasingglobalization.

Dr. Cashore is a professor of Environmental Policy and Governance atYale University, specializing in Sustainable Forest Policy. He is alsoDirector of the Yale Program on Forest Policy and Governance, with ajoint appointment in Yale’s Political Science department. Born andraised in British Columbia, Dr. Cashore has directed much of hisresearch to forest policy and resource management in BC. He has wonnumerous awards for his books and articles on forest policy,eco-certification, and the softwood lumber dispute.

Doug Little Memorial Lecture:
Thursday, November 16, 7:30pm, Canfor Theatre (Room 6-213)

Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Institute presentation:
Friday, November 17, 3:30pm, Room 7-158 (in Student Services Street).

Both presentations are open to the public.

“British Columbia has a huge proportion of its forest lands underpublic ownership, so government forest policy has really affected thedevelopment of the forest industry here. Arguably, it’s inresource-based communities such as Prince George where these policieshave had the greatest effects,” says Kathy Lewis, Chair of theEcosystem Science and Management program. “The Doug Little MemorialLecture is ten years old this year and we could think of no one morefitting person to mark our first decade.”

The Doug Little Memorial Lecture is named after the late J.D. (Doug)Little, a former Senior Vice-President of Forest Operations forNorthwood Pulp and Timber Ltd. (now Canfor).  Mr. Little was afounding supporter of UNBC and believed that appropriate forestmanagement could ensure the sustainability of the forest resource forfuture generations. The lecture series is supported by an endowmentfund that was initially created by Northwood Pulp and Timber Ltd.

Rob van Adrichem, Director of Media and Public Relations, UNBC – 250.960.5622