UNBC Research Looks at 28 BC Markets November 9, 2006
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Researchconducted at the University of Northern British Columbia has indicatedthat BC's farmers' markets have a significant economic impact on theprovince, over and above their value to community-building and localfood production. British Columbians spend$65.3 million directly at farmers' markets and an additional $53.2million at neighbouring businesses on market days. The results arebased on surveys of 7100 market customers. Theresearch was led by David Connell, a professor in UNBC's School ofEnvironmental Planning. He examined 28 markets from Terrace to WhiteRock. Markets Studied
Click here for specific information about the research conducted for each of the markets listed above.The market-specific research includes an estimate of the local economicimpact in addition to the average number of people the markets attract. Access more information:
Contact: David Connell Environmental Planning professor, UNBC 250.960.5835 Rob van Adrichem Director of Media and Public Relations, UNBC 250.960.5622 |