BMO Bank of Montreal Donates Former Prince George Branch to UNBC

Media Release

October 21, 2005 for immediate release

BMO Bank of Montreal today announced the donation of its former PrinceGeorge branch building to the University of Northern BritishColumbia.  The value of the land and building, located in theheart of Prince George’s downtown on the corner of 3rd Avenue andQuebec Street, is $500,000.

The building will be known as UNBC Downtown BMO Bank of MontrealCentre. It will house a number of researchers, the Alumni Association,the UNBC Foundation, and the University’s Development Office.
BMO Bank of Montreal
has played a key role in the establishment anddevelopment of UNBC since its inception – providing financial supportover the years to the start-up capital campaign, an Aboriginalscholarships endowment fund, the DNA sequencer for genetic research,and construction of the Bentley Centre. Just this summer, BMO FinancialGroup donated $150,000 to the Northern Medical Programs Trust tosupport the education and retention of physicians in northerncommunities.

“The donation of BMO’s branch building to UNBC fits in perfectlywith our commitment to the Prince George community, UNBC’s need toexpand, and the City of Prince George’s downtown revitalization plans,”said Richard Rudderham, Senior Vice President, BMO Bank of Montreal forBC and Yukon Division.  “It’s a win-win-win situation all around,and we are very pleased to continue to have our name associated withthe downtown core,” added Mr. Rudderham.  

The building, which will undergo renovations by UNBC with plannedoccupancy in January of 2006, will continue to house a BMO Bank ofMontreal automated banking machine for the convenience of customersworking downtown.

At a “handing over of the keys” ceremony today, Dr. Charles Jago, UNBCPresident said, “This donation by BMO Bank of Montreal is most generousand comes at an opportune time since the university is facing acritical shortage of space on Cranbrook Hill.  The researchers andoffices we’re locating downtown will serve to strengthen the linkbetween UNBC and the community, and it’s our expectation that we’llbegin offering some classes downtown in the near future.”             
Bank of Montreal has had a downtown Prince George branch on the cornerof 3rd Avenue and Quebec Street since 1919. The present building, builtin 1952, was expanded twice - in 1963 and again in 1993.  The new branch building at 15th Avenue and Central Street, which openedin May of 2005 at a cost of $2.5 million, is a full service operationproviding a complete range of personal and commercial financialservices.  The opening of this new branch demonstrates BMO’scontinued commitment to the people of Prince George and the surroundingnorthern communities.

Since 1817, BMO Financial Group has supported the principles ofcommunity reinvestment and corporate and social responsibility to thecommunities it serves.

BMO Financial Group contributed more than $29 million in corporatedonations, sponsorships and events in 2004, supporting thousands ofcommunities, charities and not-for-profit organizations inCanada.  BMO operates 140 branches in BC and employs some 2800people in the province.

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