Alcan Supports Medical Trust Fund

Media Release

August 5, 2005 for immediate release

Alcan Inc. (NYSE, TSX: AL)announced today that it would contribute CAN$500,000 over seven years to the University of Northern BC’s (UNBC) Northern MedicalPrograms Trust. This contribution is part of a cooperative strategy to recruitphysicians by educating them in the north, to ease northern BC’s shortage ofrural doctors.

“Alcan recognizes theimportance of the quality of local health care and the Northern Medical Programis a significant, long term opportunity to train and keep physicians fornorthern communities,” said Cynthia Carroll, President and Chief ExecutiveOfficer of Alcan’s Primary Metal Group. “Alcan’s contribution is a step in theright direction, and we invite other companies in joining us in reaching theMedical Training Program’s goal of a CAN$6 million endowment,” she added.

Alcan’s contribution will help alleviate the financialpledges of 19 northern municipalities, from Prince Rupertto Prince George.

“The Northern Medical programwas developed to respond to the critical need faced by northern communities forappropriate levels of physician care. That goal is shared by the industries innorthern BC, which rely on healthy and prosperous communities,” said UNBCPresident Charles Jago. “We are delighted that Alcan shares our vision of whatthe Northern Medical Program can contribute to the North.”

UNBC was established in 1990to be a university in the north and for the north. Since starting courseofferings in 1992, the University has steadily expanded its degree programs.The student body now numbers nearly 4,000.

Alcan is a multinational,market-driven company and a global leader in aluminum and packaging. Withworld-class operations in primary aluminum, fabricated aluminum as well asflexible and specialty packaging, aerospace applications, bauxite mining andalumina processing, today’s Alcan is well positioned to meet and exceed itscustomers' needs for innovative solutions and service. Alcan employs almost 70,000people and has operating facilities in 55 countries and regions.

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